Version v3r0 (04 April 2002) Description Functional release.
Allows to write a complete decay selection in C++, is based on the new Physics Event model (Particle & Vertex, uses LHCbEvent for MCParticle, MCVertex & ParticleID) and on OO basic tools for physics analysis on real data (interfaces and at least one concrete implementation.) An example of offline physics selection for B->J/Psi(mu+mu-)Ks(pi+pi-) is provided in the application package and is suggested to be used to guide people intending to write offline selection algorithms in using the basic tools.
Supports running of existing Fortran physics analysis and interfaces with the axsel package
Supports running trigger Level 0 simulation.
Supports reading DST files produced with Brunel v5 or higher (the correct dbase for the files must be specified).
RAWH files can also be read (SICBMC v245 or higher) but if more then minimal reconstruction is required it is recommended to use Brunel instead
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure web access to AFS release area Physics packages Phys/DaVinci v3r0 Event/PhysEvent v2r0 (04 April 2002) Phys/DaVinciTools v3r0 (04 April 2002) Phys/DaVinciSicb v2r0 (04 April 2002) SICB/axsellib v6r3 (13 Feb 2002) LHCb packages Refer to the requirements file Gaudi packages based on Gaudi v9r2 + GaudiSvc v7r3, GaudiIntrospection v3r0, GaudiObjDesc v3r3 Documentation Quick get the package/control the application Release notes (DaVinci, DaVinciTools, DaVinciSicb, PhysEvent, axsellib) C++ code documentation