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Release Date 4 August 2004
WARNING This version is only released on the development area!

To use it do:

~> setenv DaVinci_release_area $LHCBDEV
~> DaVinciEnv v11r12

There is no Windows version available!


Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r14. Includes LoKi v3r0.


Many small modifications to prepare for v12r0 that will be based on Gaudi v15.

Main modifications
  • Event/L1Event and Event/HltEvent are obsolete and have been removed from LHCb v15r14. All calls to these classes have either been corrected or commented out. Use the TrgEvent class instead.

  • AIDA, CERNLIB should not be defined as "used" packages but imported at compilation.

  • Phys/DaVinciChecks and Phys/DaVinciTest have been merged as Phys/DaVinciTest.

  • Because of a bug in Gaudi, CaloDigitsFromRaw has to be executed in DaVinciCommon.opts. This is a temporary patch.

Known problems: L0Muon crashes with Hbook output (?)
GaudiPython cannot be used with POOL persistency. Use ROOT data instead.
Some links to MC are not up-to-date and might not work because the necessary information is not saved in the Brunel output. Please notify all unexpected behaviour.
Documentation Doxigen
Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the development area and in the release area for LHCB)
Guidelines to adapt user selections: Note.
GaudiAlgorithm and GaudiTool base classes documentation.
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area

DaVinci packages modified respect to v11r11


Phys/ DaVinci v11r12 2004-08-03
L0/ L0Checker v2r1p1 From Boole
L0DU v6r7p1
Phys/ CommonParticles v6r8p2
DaVinci v11r12 Small changes in options.
DaVinciAssociators v5r1 Many minor bug fixes
DaVinciEff v3r0p1  
DaVinciChecks n/a Merge Into DaVinciTest
DaVinciTest v5r0
DaVinciTools v10r1 Remove HLT-specific stuff
DaVinciUser v5r1p1 L1
FlavourTagging v5r2 Set write to TES by default
Ks2PiPiSel v1r4p1
Tools/ LoKi v3r0
Stripping v1r2p1 New PhysSelSys
Utilities v1r8 New TriggerFilter
Physics Selections modified with respect to v11r11
PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v7r6
PhysSel/ B2DstarX2D02hh v2r1p1
B2HH v2r3p2
B2RhoRho v1r6
Bd2D0Kstar v4r2p2
Bd2DstarPi v2r4
Bd2a1Dstar v2r3
Bd2JpsiKs v2r4
Bd2JpsiKstar v2r1p1
Bd2MuMuKstar v2r2p2
Bd2PhiKs v4r2
Bs2PiPiPi0 v2r2p2
Bs2DsDs v1r1
Bs2DsH v3r2p3
Bs2JpsiEta v3r3
Bs2JpsiPhi v2r2p1
Bs2KstarKstar v1r3p2
Bs2MuMu v2r3
Bs2PhiEtac v2r3
Bs2PhiPhi v2r2
Bu2KsPi v2r4
D02MuMu v1r4p2
LHCb packages used LHCb v15r14 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details):
Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg.