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Version v8r0
Release Date 2 May 2003

Various preselections code integrated (see below for list of decays highlighted)

New features for MCTruth analysis: efficiency algorithm MC part works with intermediated resonances, CompositeLink associtator can allow for missing gammas (ex.Jpsi -> mu mu g),

Link associator (NAME HAS CHANGED) works with particle not stored in TES

New features for neutrals: merged pi0 are available, new E/S/L corrections for gammas

New ParticleMaker with assigned pID for HLT studies

Add support for reprocessing of Global Robustness data

Latest FlavourTagging integrated

FlavourTagging results are now persistable

No more deep copy for Particle and Vertex in clone method

Documentation Quick get the package/control the application (under CMT projects)
DaVinci release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area)
C++ code documentation (DaVinci

direct links to Event relevant classes: Particle, Vertex, MCParticle, MCVertex, ParticleID, Collision, EventHeader, ProtoParticle, L0DUReport, L1Report

List of particle name and PDG id numbers
Tutorial (modified for DaVinci v7r3)

DaVinci packages

(package structure and overall contents)

Highlighted packages have changed in content respect to v7r4 


Phys/ DaVinci  v8r0 2th May 2003
DaVinciTools v8r0 2th May 2003
DaVinciAssociators v4r0 2th May 2003
DaVinciMCTools v5r0  2th May 2003
MCTools v1r1 15th April 2003
DaVinciTest v4r1  2th May 2003
DaVinciUser v4r1  2th May 2003
PhysSelections v5r0 2th May 2003
FlavourTagging v4r4  10th April 2003
DaVinciEff  v2r4 2th May  2003
Rec/ GlobalReco v3r1 2th May 2003
KsReco v1r4p1 13th February 2003
PrimVtx v2r0 13th February 2003
Calo/ CaloInterfaces v2r4 5th November 2002
CaloUtils v4r4 6th November 2002
CaloReco v1r5 2th May 2003
CaloPID v1r0 24th March 2003
Tr/ TrExtrapolator v2r5 6th November 2002
L0/ L0DU v6r4 2th April 2003
L1/ L1Decision v1r7 2th April 2003
Physics Selections available and related packages
Decay Author Package (under PhySel/ )
Bd -> D ( K pi pi) D ( K pi pi) K.George B2DD v1r1 07 Jan 03
Bs -> Ds( K K pi) Ds( K K pi) K.George
Bd -> pi pi V.Vagnoni B2HH v1r1 30 Oct 02
Bd -> D0 bar ( K pi ) K* ( K pi ) M.Gandelman Bd2D0Kstar v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> J/Psi (mu mu) Ks ( pi pi ) S.Amato Bd2JpsiKs v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> J/Psi (mu mu) K* ( K pi ) L.dePaula Bd2JpsiKstar v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> K* ( K pi ) gamma G.Pakhlova Bd2KstarGamma v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> mu mu K* ( K pi ) H.Lopes Bd2MuMuKstar v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> Phi (KK)  Ks ( pi pi ) B.Viaud Bd2PhiKs v1r1 02 May 03
pi0 -> gamma gamma (resolved)  F.Machefert B2PiPiPi0 v1r1 02 May 03
pi0 -> gamma gamma (merged)  O.Deschamps
Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) pi  J.vanHunen Bs2DsH v1r1 02 May 03
Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) K R.White
Bs -> J/Psi (mu mu) phi ( K K ) G.Raven Bs2JpsiPhi v1r1 07 Jan 03
Bs -> J/Psi (e e) phi ( K K ) G.Raven
Bs -> mu mu  F.daCunha Bs2MuMu v1r1 30 Oct 02
Bs -> Phi (KK) gamma  G.Pakhlova Bs2PhiGamma v1r0 30 Oct 02
LHCb packages LHCb v11r11 (refer to the requirements files for full package list):
KernelSys  v1r1
EventSys v13r5 PhysEvent v7r4 (15th April 2003)
DetSys v1r5
AssociatorsSys  v1r3
XmlDDB v15r3
Gaudi packages based on Gaudi v11r5
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area