Score table
Institute Events Country Events  
Amsterdam 906,500 CERN 10,434,000 19.04%
Barcelona 1,482,100 Brazil 307,400 0.56%
Bologna 5,519,000 France 5,575,700 10.18%
Bristol 496,500 Germany 8,602,000 15.70%
Cambridge 1,573,000 Italy 5,519,000 10.07%
CESGA 656,000 Netherlands 906,500 1.65%
CERN 10,434,000 Russia 1,520,000 2.77%
Imperial 7,675,000 Spain 2,138,100 3.90%
IHEP-Protvino 91,000 UK 19,783,400 36.11%
ITEP-Moscow 558,500
JINR_DUBNA 435,000
Karlsruhe 8,602,000 Total 54,786,100
LAPE-IF-UFRJ 307,400
Lyon 5,575,700
Oxford 734,800
RAL 4,987,400 Ratio
ScotGrid 4,316,700 CERN 19.00%
SINP-MSU 435,500 Outside 81.00%
Total 54,786,100
Updated the 20-Jun-2003 12:38 and based on the bookkeeping database entries