Developers page

To access the CVS repository:

Inside CERN : CVSROOT should be set to ""

Outside CERN : CVSROOT should be set to ":extssh:[LOGINNAME]"

CVS structure (Web access to repository)

- contrib
    |__ AccountingSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ ActivitySystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ BookkeepingSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ ConfigurationSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ Core
    |      |__ DISET
    |      |    |__ doc
    |      |    |__ scripts
    |      |    |__ test
    |      |
    |      |__ FileCatalog
    |      |    |__ doc
    |      |    |__ scripts
    |      |    |__ test
    |      |
    |      |__ ReplicaManager
    |      |    |__ doc
    |      |    |__ scripts
    |      |    |__ test
    |      |
    |      |__ Storage
    |      |    |__ doc
    |      |    |__ scripts
    |      |    |__ test
    |      |
    |      |__ Utilities
    |      |    |__ doc
    |      |    |__ scripts
    |      |    |__ test
    |      |
    |      |__ Workflow
    |          |__ doc
    |          |__ scripts
    |          |__ test
    |__ DataManagementSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ Interface
    |      |__ API
    |      |__ DiracShell
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ test
    |      |__ Web
    |__ LoggingSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ MonitoringSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ ProductionManagementSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ RequestManagementSystem
    |      |__ Agent
    |      |__ Client
    |      |__ DB
    |      |__ doc
    |      |__ scripts
    |      |__ Service
    |      |__ test
    |__ WorkloadManagementSystem
           |__ Agent
           |__ Client
           |__ DB
           |__ doc
           |__ scripts
           |__ Service
           |__ test
- doc
- scripts
- WorkflowLib
    |__ Module
    |__ Step
    |__ WorkFlow

Package Responsability
DIRAC/CORE  Andrei Tsaregorotsev
DIRAC/DataManagementSytem  Andrew Smith
DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem  Stuart Paterson
DIRAC/Interface  Stuart Paterson
DIRAC/ProductionManagementSystem  Gennady Guznetsov
DIRAC/AccountingSystem  Ricardo Graciani-Diaz
DIRAC/ActivitySystem  Raja Nandakumar
DIRAC/BookkeepingSystem  Carmine Cioffi
DIRAC/ConfigurationSystem  Ricardo Graciani-Diaz
DIRAC/LoggingSystem  Ricardo Graciani-Diaz
DIRAC/MonitoringSystem  Sergio Gomez
DIRAC/RequestManagementSystem  Raja Nandakumar
WorkflowLib  Joel Closier
Contrib  Joel Closier

Librarian : Joel Closier

Port used by DIRAC2 /DIRAC3:

8080 Tomcat
8092 BKFileCatalog
8110 FileCatalog
8200 ProdDB
8443 Dirac portal
8996 OutputSandBoxService
9091 JobManager
9096 InputSandBoxService
9130 JobMonitoring
9131 ProductionManager
9133 ProcessingDB
9135 Configuration Service
9136 JobStateUpdate
9138 LcgFileCatalogProxy
9140 IntegrityDB
9141 SystemLogging Service
9143 RequestManager
9144 SystemLoggingReport
9145 WMSAdministrator
9146 DataLogging
9147 ReplicationPlacement
9148 LCG Service Monitor
9149 Stager
9150 DataIntegrity
9151 StorageUsage
9152 ProxyManager
9153 Integrity report
9154 error reporting
9157 Plotting Service
9158 DIRAC software update service
9159 reserved
9167 Secure Job State Service
9168 JMS
9169 JobStateServer
9170 Matcher
9191 TransferDBMonitoring
9196 New sanbox service
9198 RAWIntegrity
9200 BookkeepingManagerOld
9202 BookkeepingManager