L0Muon banks (v1): content

(From Julien Cogan's talk at T-REC on 24th September 2007)

L0Muon : srcID= 0,1 - TELL1 connected to the controller boards (side A,C)

contains the candidates selected by the controller boards

bank needed for HLT

L0MuonCtrlAll : srcID= 0,1 - TELL1 connected to the controller boards (side A,C)

contains the candidates received by the controller boards

L0MuonProcCand : srcID= 0,1,2,3 - TELL1 connected to the processing boards (Q=0,1,2,3)

contains :

the candidates found by the PUs

the candidates selected by the BCSUs

L0MuonProcData : srcID= 0,1,2,3 - TELL1 connected to the processing boards (Q=0,1,2,3)

contains :

the optical links received by each PU

the neighbouring data received by each PU

NB: the data are compressed with a RLE like algorithm