LHCb Computing Published documents
- Barrand G. et al., GAUDI - A software architecture and framework for building LHCb data processing
applications, (longpaper) Proc. of CHEP 2000 [pdf]
- Cattaneo M. et al., GAUDI - The software architecture and framework for building LHCb data processing
applications, Proc. of CHEP 2000 [pdf]
- Frank M. et. al., Data persistency solution for LHCb,
Proc. of CHEP 2000 [pdf]
- Chytracek R. et. al., LHCb detector description framework,
Proc. of CHEP 2000 [pdf]
- Mato Vila, P. et. al., Use of a Configuration Management Tool in LHCb
Software , Proc. of CHEP 2000 [pdf]
DAQ system
Jost B., LHCb Trigger and DAQ System - Presentation to RT99 conference Santa Fe
[WORD, ps]
- M.Zuin, Embedded event building on a gigabit ethernet network for the LHCb