Minutes of SGMeeting of 07 10 99

Present: M.Cattaneo, C.Gaspar, F.Harris, J.Harvey, B.Jost, P.Mato, F.Ranjard, I.Videau
Excused : T. Cass

1. Role and organisation of planning meetings

Define Project plans
Track progress
Discuss position towards external activities
Discuss and prioritise requests for resources
Prepare important activities

2. Role of ESS group in Controls

A Memo was prepared and subsequently sent to D. Schinzel

3. Abstracts for CHEP2000

It was agreed to produce abstracts on GAUDI architecture, persistency scheme, detector description, LHCb approach to configuration management and possibly architecture of control system. Deadline for abstracts was subsequently postponed to November 5th. 

4. Prepare for meeting with LHCC referees on Oct 19th    -   Done

5. Plan for GAUDI review in November  - Held over

6. Plan for next Software Week - end of November   - Held over

7. Plan migration strategy

    The migration policy was discussed and agreed at a special discussion dedicated to this point that was held a week after this meeting. Florence will circulate a memo to the subdetector contact people outlining the strategy and the work that has to be done by them.

8. News from GEANT4 CB and TSB

Election of new spokesman in progress.

9. A.O.B.      

It was decided to hold meetings on a monthly basis, on the first Thursday of each month.