Minutes of SG Meeting of 04 11 99

Present:   T.Cass, F.Harris, J.Harvey, B.Jost, P.Mato, F.Ranjard, I Videau
Excused :  M. Cattaneo, C.Gaspar

1. Actions from last meeting held on 7 Oct 1999

- The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
- The memo on migration strategy has been sent by Florence. Florence will follow the progress of the work being done.
- The memo to Schinzel on role of ESS group was sent.
- CHEP2000. Florence has prepared an abstract for a paper on LHCb Configuration management. The GAUDI team will prepare 3 abstracts on architecture, persistency and detector description. Beat will discuss with Jean-Pierre whether to submit an abstract on the event building project. It was decided not to submit an abstract on LHCb Controls architecture as this work is going on within the wider context of the JCOP project.

2. Preparation of forthcoming meetings

- There will be a MONARC meeting on Nov 15th. Frank will provide a proposal stating LHCb's opinion on the future of the project in a 3rd year and what we would be able to contribute.

- There will be a joint meeting with ASD on Nov 22nd. Tony stated aims as being to improve ASD's understanding of LHCb's strategy and to comment on effectiveness of existing meetings for influencing ASD's programme of work. Concrete examples where this hasn't worked would be useful. After discussion it was agreed Pere will make a presentation giving the required input and that the Steering Group and some GAUDI team members would be invited to attend.

- There was a first discussion on the agenda for the next LHCb Software Week. John and Pere will make a first draft and circulate to the collaboration within the next few days. It was agreed that invited talks from outside speakers are useful for keeping abreast of developments and for giving our input, but should also be chosen with a view to the current LHCb programme of work.  

3. Budget

A budget to cover CERNs computing activities was agreed and will be forwarded to HJH by John.

4. Manpower

Candidates for associates and fellows were reviewed. Beat will chase up a potential future candidate.

5. A.O.B.      

The next meeting will be on Thursday Dec  9th.