Minutes of the SG Meeting of 04 05 2000

Present: A.Cass, M.Cattaneo, C.Gaspar, J.Harvey, B.Jost, P.Mato,  F.Ranjard,  I.Videau

Minutes: J.Harvey

1. Minutes of Feb 2 2000

The minutes of the previous meeting (html)  were agreed.

2. News on recruitment of fellows, students and cooperands

A cooperand was interviewed just before Easter with a view towards working on the Controls project. Currently waiting confirmation he will join us.

LHCb requested three students at the recent TSC round. The LHCb candidate (doctoral student) for the Muon group was selected. Our candidate to work on data management software, Sebastien Ponce (doctoral student), was given free choice between us and a project in LHC division. Lesson : In future must ensure that candidates state clearly their intention to work with us on their application form.

The next meeting of Fellows committee is June 27th. We have at least two candidates who have applied i.e. requested letters of support.

3. Support of test beam DAQ system

See memo from Beat and Clara.

4. Preparation of DAQ, Controls, Electronics Workshop

Beat outlined the programme. One day is reserved for DAQ and Controls issues. Topics were selected that are of relevance to the various subdetector groups.

5. Status of SCADA tender

Financial model : ball park figure for total cost is 650 k CHF +- 100 kCHF. Yearly maintenance fee has two components. The first is the normal maintenance fee which gives right to upgrades, documentation etc and this is costed at about 15% of the discounted total cost i.e. 100 kCHF per year. The second component is for on call direct line support, expected to be ~150 kCHF per year. It has been agreed that sharing of this total cost should be shared between CERN IT / ATLAS / CMS / ALICE / LHCb in the ratio   15/30/30/15/10. Thus the cost to LHCb would be ~100k (purchase) and 15 k / year maintenance. The support to the company would be via IT/CO, who would pay the on-call maintenance cost (~150 k/year). The proposed schedule for license purchase is 30% (2000), 40%(2001) and 30%(2002).

A JCOP agreement on purchase of SCADA system has been prepared and is to be signed by all four experiments. Agreement was reached to launch the call for tender procedure shortly.

6. Fix date for next Review of GAUDI

The preferred choice is June 27th, with June 28th as a fall-back date. Suggestions for external referees included David Quarrie (LBL), John Deacon and Paul Kunz.

7. Actions resulting from April Software Week

Computing Model : exploitation of Lyon facility, participation in  EU grid proposal (WP8 - participation from UK, France, Italy, CERN, 1 FTE each over 3 years)
SICb : code management and release procedures to be clarified and updated on web (Florence),  new recovery procedure for faulty cpus(Eric), GOTO 500 events / job (Eric), start major production of bb events with v233 (use Lyon), Profile and understand performance of SICb (Eric),
BRUNEL - v1 by middle May - Marco, establish discussion forum and start brainstorming on design of structure/ sequencing of algorithms etc - Marco
Detector Description - screen XML - ?, 'Option A' for managing CDF and XML representations- ?, need simplified geometry for tracking through material but generated automatically from detailed geometry - ?
GAUDI - doc on web status and responsible of each SICb bank - ?, improvements to histogram service (overflows, ROOT functionality, fill using ID, forum for physicists input) - ?, which graphical toolkit (GDK, Qt,...) - ?
GEANT4 - training course (done) - Florence, LHCb projects (calorimeter,...) - ?

8. Actions resulting from LHC Computing Review

All talks and notes produced by LHCb in response to questions available from LHCb web (html).

Software panel - two rounds of questions answered in two technical notes. Statements made on behalf of LHCb without chance so far to consult/discuss within collaboration. Kasemann and White now working on recommendations.
WWA panel - proposal for baseline model documented in technical note and   presented to LHCb by JH during last software week. We have been asked to provide more precise details  .... on what data should be exported and how (network,...), on backup of data, on MDC strategy, on access to conditions data during analysis, on cpu estimates. What would be influence on our computing model if 10 Gbps links became available at affordable cost between CERN and Tier1.
Management and Resources - Computing requirements re-estimated, scenario for first years datataking with emphasis on calibrating detectors. We are now asked to provide more information. Software issues  : Need a policy statement on software agreements in view of MoU. Need a model for solving missing manpower especially for core software. Need to describe  first data analysis strategy with emphasis on reconstruction and event filter. Hardware issues: Strategy for satisfying data handling and processing requirements i.e. access to resources in Tier 0s and Tier 1's. Emphasis now is on providing an Interim MoU in which we explain  how we could realise a realistic prototype of computing model in 2003. This should describe the Tier0 and Tier 1 centres participating, the goals of the prototype (data handling for reconstruction and analysis), share of responsibilities and costs  inside the collaboration, the timescales. It is also assumed that the final MoU for Computing should be produced in 2003.

A meeting has been arranged for next Monday for discussing these issues in the collaboration.

9. Preparation for next LHCb week May 22-26

Feedback from the Computing Review on technical issues should be presented to the TB.   Political issues should be presented to the CB.

10. AOB      

The next meeting will be on Thursday June 8th.