GAUSS - The LHCb Simulation Program

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Gauss is the new simulation program of the LHCb experiment.  It is based as all the other experiment applications on the Gaudi framework.

Foreseen meetings


Gauss is organized as a CMT application project. The primary interactions can be generated by several Generators, the tracking is performed by the Geant4 toolkit, It uses the EvtGen package for B decays

CVS repository : GaussEnv, GaussSys, Sim, Gen

DC06 version v25r6 :
uses pythia 6.325.2 from GENSER_1_4_1, GEANT4 v71r0p15 (patched version of geant4.7.1), Gaudi v18r10, LHCb v21r11, XmlDDDB v30r13, XmlConditions v2r4, FieldMap v4r7, DecFiles v13r1, ParamFiles v4r5
Doxygen code documentation,  release notes,  requirements, statistics

  • standard use
    • > source <somewhere>/Sim/Gauss/v25r6/cmt/setup.csh
    • > gmake
    • > $GAUSSROOT/$CMTCONFIG/Gauss.exe $GAUSSOPTS/v200601.opts
  • to use Herwig
    • > source <somewhere>/Sim/Gauss/v25r6/cmt/setup.csh -tag_add=Herwig
    • > gmake CMTEXTRATAGS=Herwig
    • > $GAUSSROOT/$CMTCONFIG/GaussHerwig.exe $GAUSSOPTS/v200601.opts
    • Note that you need to activate Herwing in the options (see example in Gauss.opts)
  • to use BcVegPy or Hijing it is the same procedure as for Herwig, where BcVegPy or Hijing replace Herwig in the example above
  • to use the Geant4 visualization and UI internally in Gauss:
    • > source <somewhere>/Sim/Gauss/v25r6/cmt/setup.csh -tag_add=Vis
    • > $GAUSSROOT/$CMTCONFIG/Gauss.exe $GAUSSOPTS/GaussVis.opts

Documentation: Gauss User Guide and Reference Manual (pdf )


Gauss v30r1 uses new Geant4 8.1  is built on $LHCBNEW with CMT v1r18p20060606 : to use it

Next version(s) and planning


Latest DC04 Production version v15r22

uses  Gaudi v15r7, LHCb v16r6,  Geant4 v61r0, Geant4Files v52r0, ParamFiles >=v3r12, FieldMap v4r5, XmlDDDB= v22r2, DecFiles>=v11r4 (< v12r0), DC04 settings
Doxygen code documentation, release notes, requirements

Reporting bugs
You can report bugs or view bug histories via the Gauss Savannah portal

Event Generators

Nick Brook slides presented on 14/1/02 

some useful links: StdHepC++
                           HepMc under Gaudi (work done by ATLAS)
                           Physics event data model
                           Geant4 cuts per region proposal
                           Geant4 User requirements 6.4 (pdf)(20.09.02)
                           Geant4 Physics Lists

Detector Geometry

Documentation is available here, including guidelines for checking overlapping volumes.

How to use Visualization attributes for GaussVis  (document), (slides)

Sub-detector Simulation

Supported Versions 

Gauss Version Release date  Notes
v25r5 2 november 06 NOT to be used in production (HepMC 1.27), but DC06 compatible, based on LHCb v21r10, Geant4 v71r0p15, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v25r4 11 october 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v21r8, Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v25r3 20 september 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v21r7, Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v15r22 28 february 06 latest DC04 compatible version

Obsolete Versions: are archived on Castor

obsolete Gauss version Release date Notes
v25r2 30 august 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v21r7, Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v25r1 28 july 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v21r4,Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v24r8 13 june 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v21r1,Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v24r7 2 june 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v20r4, Geant4 v71r0p14, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v24r6 10 may 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v20r4, Geant4 v71r0p13, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v24r5 5 may 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 production based on LHCb v20r4, Geant4 v71r0p13, pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v24r4 13 april 06 OBSOLETE - DC06 test production based on LHCb v20r3, Geant4v71r0p12,pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v22r0 9 december 05 obsolete version based on LHCb v19r3, Geant4v71r0p12,pythia 6.325.2, lhapdf 4.2
v21r0 9 november 05 obsolete version based on LHCb v18r9, Geant4 v71r0p11, pythia 6.324.2, photos 215.2
v20r2 22 august 05 obsolete version based on LHCb v18r8, Geant4 v71r0p1, pythia 6.226.2, photos 209.2
v20r1 28 july 05 development version based on LHCb v18r8, Geant4 7.1, GENSER 1.0.0, pythia 6.226.2
v19r5 27 june 05 obsolete version based on LHCb v18r6,Geant4 7.0.p01, pythia 6.226.2, photos 209.2
v19r4 22 April 05 version used in RTTC 05 based on LHCb v18r3,Geant4 7.0.p01, pythia 6.226.2, photos 209.2
v19r3 13 April 05 version to be used in RTTC 05 based on LHCb v18r2, Geant4 7.0.p01, GENSER 0.3.0, pythia 6.226.2
v18r4 14 December 04 development version based on LHCb v17r1, Geant4 6.2.ref05, GENSER 0.3.0, pythia 6.226.2
v15r19 12 july 05 obsolete DC04 version
v15r18 1 july 05 DC04 compatible version running on SLC3 and RHE
v15r17 10 March 05 DC04 version which could run on SLC3 and RHE uses Gaudi v15r5
v15r15 21 February 05 DC04 version which could run on SLC3 uses Gaudi v15r4
v15r11 17 June 04 bug fix - production version used in DC04
v15r8 7 May 04 use Photos202 and LHCb v15r9
v15r3 29 March 04 same Gauss version as v15r2 but linked with Geant4 6.1


  • Goals for 2004: DC04
    • redesign GiGa to manage MCParticle/MCvertex tree more easily - Nov 2004
  • Goals for 2003: complete the application; be ready for a production test in Summer 2003.
  • Goals for 2002  (.mpp file). Here are the  latest list of milestones and pending tasks.


General Information

  • How to work with the Gauss project
  • Integration of GEANT4 with GAUDI, by I. Belyaev, paper presented at  CHEP'01, Beijing, P.R. China, September 3-7, 2001 (pdf)

RICH Information

  • Status of GEANT4 Cherenkov Studies, by Sajan Easo (ppt)

ECAL Information

Tracker Information


  • GAUSS status report, by W.Pokorski, LHCb Week, September 2002 (ppt)

  • GAUSS work plan , by F.Ranjard, LHCb Software Week, March 2002 (ppt)

  • Simulation Program Roadmap, by F. Ranjard, LHCb Software Week, October 2001 (pdf)

  • GAUSS - How to Start, by F. Ranjard, LHCb Software Week, June 2001 (pdf)

Relations with G4 team

  • G4 foreseen meetings and related mails (memo 02.08.02 FR)

  • Collaboration agreement (draft)

  • G4 organisation diagram (draft)

This page last edited by Flr on December 05, 2006