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Release Date 16 February 2005


Backward-compatible HLT development version.

Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r9.


Main modifications Main Modifications:
  •  On popular demand the PhysDesktop now provides two methods
             const VertexVector& primaryVertices();     // get all PVs
             const VertexVector& secondaryVertices();   // get vertices from InputLocations
          The method
             const VertexVector& vertices();
          is now slower as it uses the above methods, but still exists.
  • Updated L1Decision. WARNING: This version gets significantly different results from the official stripping version in DV v12r4.
  • Updated flavour tagging, now using the tampering by default.
  • Complete HLT update. Still for experts only.
  • Many modifications in LoKi.
  • Many small changes to prepare for migration to CLHEP 1.9. See details below.
CLHEP issues This version contains many minor, hopefully temporary, modifications related to CLHEP 1.9. DaVinci v12 uses CLHEP 1.8, but the packages included also have to be compatible with CLHEP 1.9 that will be picked up by DaVinci v13. There are essentially two kind of changes
  • CLHEP classes are now in namespaces, but the proper using namespace statement is included in the header file "for backward compatibility". One non-backward-compatible sideeffect is that forward declarations are not possible anymore (at least not in a way that would compile with CLHEP 1.9). The "solution" is to include the CLHEP header file instead of the forward declaration.
  • The CLHEP guys taking care of geometry seem not be aware of the existence of vectors and vice-versa. The following code calculating an impact parameter does not compile anymore:

    HepPoint3D P(0,0,0), B(1,2,3);
    Hep3Vector V(0.8,0.6,0.0);
    Hep3Vector D = B - A;                     // does not compile with CLHEP 1.9
    double IP = (D.cross(V.unit())_.mag();

    One needs to:

    HepPoint3D TMP = B - A ;                 // point - point is point (!?)
    Hep3Vector D(TMP.x(),TMP.y(),TMP.z()) ;  // object-oriented programming ?

    If someone comes up with a better solution, let us know! A bug report has been submitted on the CLHEP savannah page.
Known problems: Troubles with RFIO: Crashes in PoolRootTreeEvtCnvSvc. Try to use the following trick, which seems to work fine:
  • Copy the file
    to your home directory
  • Make sure there is no .rootrc file there, or at least that you know what it is doing.
  • Replace all the "rfio:" by "castor:" in your input data. It will look like
    EventSelector.Input   = {

    This will pick up rootd instead of rfio.
If your execution hangs after the DaVinci welcome-banner on slc3, it means you have made a typo in the name of some option file you are including, or you are using an undefined environment variable. There's no straightforward way to debug this.
Documentation Doxygen
Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area)
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area

DaVinci packages modified with respect to previous release


DaVinciSys v12r7  

No changes


No changes

Hlt/ HltGeneric v2r2 Added muon and dimuon lines
HltSelections v2r1 Updated. No RICH by default.
HltSelChecker v2r1 More ntuples.

No changes


No changes

Phys/ DaVinci v12r7  
DaVinciAssociators v5r3 Can now associate Trg VTT tracks
DaVinciFilter v1r5 Many minor changes.
DaVinciKernel v3r1 New PhysDesktop. Bug fix in DVAlgorithm.
DaVinciMCTools v5r8p1 Prepare for CLHEP 1.9
DaVinciTools v11r5 PIDFilter moved from PhysSelections
FlavourTagging v5r4 Use Tampering
ParticleMaker v1r3 Prepare for CLHEP 1.9
PhysSelections v6r12 PIDFilter moved to DaVinciTools
VertexFit v1r4 New fast fitters for HLT
PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v7r15 Prepare for CLHEP 1.9
B2RhoRho v1r7p3
B2XGamma v3r1
Bd2DsatrPi v2r7p2
Bd2PhiKs v4r2p1
Bs2DsDs v2r1
Bs2DsH v3r3p2
Bs2JpsiEta v3r3p2
Bs2PhiEtac v2r3p2
Bs2PhiPhi v2r3p2
D02MuMu v2r0p1
DsSelector v1r1p1

No changes


No changes

Tools/ LoKi v3r9

No changes

Trg/ TrgSys v1r3
L1Decision v4r2 New tuning
L1Reco v6r1 VeloTT bug fix
TrgCalo v1r0p2 Prepare for CLHEP 1.9
TrgTools v6r2 New tools
LHCb  packages used LHCb v16r4 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes for details)
Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v15r5.