Version v11r10
Release Date 5 July 2004 Description Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg and LHCb v15r13. Includes LoKi v2r7.
Major bug fixes:
LoKi v2r7 corrects a bug that affected DaVinci v11r9
Patched GaudiAlg fixes a bug affecting B2XGamma.
Minor modifications:
DecodeSimpleDecayString (in DaVinciTools) extracted from CombineParticles (in PhysSelections)
Some preselections updated. See below.
This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.
Main modifications Only bug fixes and additions, as DaVinci has to be backward-compatible until DC'04 stripping.
Known problems: L1Report (in Tools/Utilities) does not work with new L1. L0Muon crashes with Hbook output. GaudiPython cannot be used with POOL persistency. Use ROOT data instead. Some links to MC are not up-to-date and might not work because the necessary information is not saved in the Brunel output. Please notify all unexpected behaviour. Documentation Doxigen Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the development area and in the release area for LHCB) Requirements Guidelines to adapt user selections: Note. Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure tar files of the sources web access to CVS repository web access to AFS release area DaVinci packages modified respect to v11r9
Phys/ DaVinci v11r11 2004-07-23 Phys/ DaVinciChecks v2r4 Removed conflicting DumpEvent. DaVinciTools v9r7 New DecodeSimpleDecayString. PhysSelections v6r8 CombineParticles: extracted decay string parser into DecodeSimpleDecayString. Tools Stripping v1r1 Updated job options. LoKi v2r7 Bug fixed version. Implements MCDecayFinder. Physics Selections modified with respect to v11r9
PhysSel PhySelSys v7r4 PhysSel/ B2XGamma v2r3p1 Bs2DsH v2r3p1 Bu2LLK v1r1 Gamma2ee v1r2 LHCb packages used LHCb v15r13 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details): Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v14r6 with patched GaudiAlg.