Version v11r2
Release Date 23 February 2004 Description Development version to prepare for DC04, focus on support of new data. Based on Gaudi v14r1 and LHCb v15r2.
TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector)
Old L1 reprocessing not possible on new data and removed
Use new geometry database. Changes in STDet.
Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.
Documentation Doxigen Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area of DAVINCI_v11r2 and LHCB_v15r2) Requirements Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure tar files of the sources web access to CVS repository web access to AFS release area DaVinci packages modified respect to v11r1.
Phys/ DaVinci v11r2 2004-02-23 L1/ L1Decision Removed Physics Selections modified respect to v9r3. None LHCb packages used LHCb v15r2 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details):
KernelSys v3r2 EventSys v17r2 DetSys v5r0 AssociatorsSys v1r10 XmlDDB v21r0 Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v14r1 Additional applications in DAVINCI_v11r2
Tools/ DecayPresel v4r2 Application to produce stripped files with events passing PREselections for various decay channels Tools/ TriggerFilter v4r2 Application to produce stripped files with events passing L0 and L1 triggers