Version v11r9
Release Date 29 Jun 2004 Description Version for DC'04 production tests. Based on Gaudi v14r6 and LHCb v15r12. Includes LoKi v2r6. Is used by Bender v3r3.
Many new features:
The Phys/DaVinciAssociators have been updated. The old way still works, but the new version is faster and easier to use. The DaVinciAssociators User Guide will be updated soon. Have a look at the slides from Software week or at the release notes.
The efficiency algorithm in Phys/DaVinciEff has been rewritten. It allows to calculate the reconstruction efficiency for any decay. Have a look at he slides from Software week. A note is expected soon. There are example option files in the DaVinciEff/v3r0/options folder.
CombineParticles (in Phys/PhysSelections): a new algorithm that allows to reconstruct any decay using only job options. Look at example option files in the Bs2JpsiPhi and Bu2LLK packages.
PVIPFilterCriterion (in Phys/DaVinciTools) allows to filter particles according to their IP (or IP significance) to the reconstructed PVs. Works also for the pointing requirement for the B.
ParticleMakerSeq (in Phys/DaVinciTools): A sequencer of particle makers. Allows to avoid PreLoadParticles.
DumpEvent (in Phys/DaVinciMCTools): Dumps the event using the debug tool.
EventNumber (in Tools/Utilities): A tool that returns the number of events processed (waiting for Gaudi to provide it...).
PostScaler (in Tools/Utilities): The algorithm that is going to be executed at the end of each preselection sequencer. Forces the output rate to be 1/1000.
Tools/Stripping: The new package that manages the stripping.
The Trigger has been completely upgraded.
With Gaudi v15r6 comes the new GaudiSequencer, with an OR mode and many more goodies.
This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.
Main modifications Only additions, as DaVinci has to be backward-compatible until DC'04 stripping.
Known problems: B2XGamma package does not yield same number of events in Combined and stand-alone mode. L0Muon crashes with Hbook output. GaudiPython cannot be used with POOL persistency. Use ROOT data instead. Some links to MC are not up-to-date and might not work because the necessary information is not saved in the Brunel output. Please notify all unexpected behaviour. Documentation Doxigen Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the development area and in the release area for LHCB) Requirements Guidelines to adapt user selections: Note. Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure tar files of the sources web access to CVS repository web access to AFS release area DaVinci packages modified respect to v11r8
Phys/ DaVinci v11r9 2004-06-28 Phys/ DaVinciAssociators v5r0 Rewritten from scratch. Yet backward compatible. DaVinciEff v3r0 Reimplemented from scratch. DaVinciTest v4r5 DumpEvent: New algorithm that runs the debug tool. DaVinciTools v9r6 PVIPFilterCriterion: Filter particles according to IP on PV.
ParticleMakerSeq: Sequencer of particle makers.Ks2PiPiSel v1r5 One option renamed PhysSelections v6r7 CombineParticles: Generic particle builder. Tools Stripping v1r0 Stripping tools for DC'04. LoKi v2r6 Filtering of MCParticles and vertices L0 L0Calo v7r6 Protect the size of the L1 output bank L0Checker v2r1 GaudiAlgorithm and GaudiTool. Trg L1Decision v2r0 Adapt to the new GaudiAlgorithm, GaudiTools and GaudiSequencer. Reflect changes in TrgTools.
L1Reco v4r0 TrgChecker v4r0 TrgForward v2r0 TrgMonitor v2r0 TrgPrimVertex v2r0 TrgTools v2r0 TrgVelo v4r0 TrgVeloTT v4r0 Physics Selections modified with respect to v11r8
PhysSel PhySelSys v7r3 PhysSel/ all modifications to match 1/1000 requirement except where mentioned
B2HH v2r3 B2RhoRho v1r5 B2XGamma v2r3 Bd2D0Kstar v4r2 Bd2DstarPi v2r3 (now again with inclusive part) Bd2JpsiKs v2r3 Bd2MuMuKstar v2r2 Bd2PhiKs v4r1 Bd2PiPiPi0 v2r2 Bs2JpsiPhi v2r1 Bs2KsKs v2r2 Bs2KstarKstar v1r3 Bs2MuMu v2r2 Bs2PhiEtac v2r2 Bs2PhiPhi v2r1 Bu2KsPi v2r3 Bu2LLK v1r0 (New B+ -> l+l- K+) D02MuMu v1r4 Jpsi v1r1 LHCb packages used LHCb v15r12 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details): Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v14r6