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Release Date 20 May 2005

HLT Release and updated DC04v2 stripping version - bug fix release


Based on Gaudi v15r5 and LHCb v16r4. Includes LoKi v3r12p1.

Main modifications This version replaces the buggy v12r10

Main Modifications:

  • The full HLT chain is there
    • The HLT decision is filled in the TrgDecision class.
    • Have a look at the new HltScore class for details.
    • That does not mean that everything is optimised.
  • New version of the tampering with L0.
  • New packages LoKiJets and KtJet for jet finding.
CLHEP issues See v13r0 page.
Known problems: Troubles with RFIO: See v12r7 page.
If your execution hangs after the DaVinci welcome-banner on slc3, it means you have made a typo in the name of some option file you are including, or you are using an undefined environment variable. There's no straightforward way to debug this.
Documentation Doxygen
Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area)
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area

DaVinci packages modified with respect to previous release


DaVinciSys v12r11  

No changes


No changes


No changes


No changes

Phys/ DaVinci v12r11
DaVinciAssociators v5r4p1 Bug fix. Neutrals use linkers.
DaVinciMCTools v5r11 New CheatedLifetimeFitter.h
ParticleMaker v1r5 Bug fix.
Tampering v1r1 Add L0 tampering
VertexFit v1r6 More modifications for neutrals
PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v8r3
B2RhoRho v1r9
Bd2PhiKs v4r3
Bs2JpsiEta v4r0
Bs2PhiEtac v3r1

No changes


No changes

Tools/ LoKi v3r12p1
Stripping v2r2

No changes


No changes

LHCb  packages used LHCb v16r4 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes for details)
Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v15r5