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Release Date 13 October 2004
WARNING This version is based on the new CMT version (more details are here).

Your working directory ($CMTPATH) is now $HOME/cmtuser in order to avoid conflicts with the old CMT.


Warning: BUGGY ParticleFilter!

Stripping version. Based on Gaudi v15r2 and LHCb v16r2. Includes LoKi v3r5.


Version including updated stripping tools and a retuned L1 providing 40 kHz on MB. To be used in stripping.

Main modifications

Main modifications with respect to v12r1:

  • New L1Decision providing 40 kHz output rate for L0 accepted MB.

  • New PIDFilter algorithm in PhysSelections to filter out particles from the input location with a given PID.

  • New preselection codes in B2XGamma and D02MuMu.

  • Other small changes in preselection codes: removed obsolete option files and split some other files for easier use by the HLT test setup.

  • Updated stripping tools.

  • LoKi v3r5 and new LoKiHlt v1r1.

Known problems: Troubles with RFIO: Crashes in PoolRootTreeEvtCnvSvc. Seems to happen when the same file is read by many jobs at the same time. It's non-reproducible. Just re-run the job.
Bug in ParticleFilter: A bug has been found in ParticleFilter. Filter criteria are ignored starting from the second of the "AndList". If you use ParticleFilter take the head revision of the Phys/DaVinciFilter package

> getpack Phys/DaVinciFilter head

Documentation Doxigen
Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the development area and in the release area for LHCB)
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area

DaVinci packages modified with respect to v12r1


Phys/ DaVinci v12r2 2004-10-13
Phys/ DaVinciMCTools v5r6 Temporary fix in TrueMCFilterCriterion
PhysSelections v6r11 New PIDFilter, bug fix in RefineSelection
Tools/ Stripping v1r5 Stripping update
Utilities v1r10 CheckSelResult update
LoKi v3r5  
LoKiHlt v1r1 New
Trg/ L1Decision v3r1 Tuning for 40 kHz output rate
Physics Selections modified with respect to v12r1
PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v7r10
PhysSel/ B2HH v2r4p1
B2XGamma v3r0
Bd2DstarPi v2r7p1
Bd2a1Dstar v2r3p1
Bs2DsH v3r3p1
Bs2JpsiEta v3r3p1
Bs2JpsiPhi v2r3p1
Bs2MuMu v2r4p1
Bs2PhiEtac v2r3p1
Bs2PhiPhi v2r3p1
D02MuMu v2r0
LHCb packages used LHCb v16r2 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details):
Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v15r2.