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Version v6r2
Release Date 7 January 2003

Supports reading of OO-DST files only. Support reading of Xmas production data as well as summer production data.


Reading of  RAWH files is NOT supported by this version (use Brunel)

The full chain from reconstruction objects to Particles and association
to MCtruth is available for all type of Particles.

Respect to v6r1:

 - there is a choice of database dependent configuration in DaVinci.opts for newXmas data (DaVinciv253r0.opts) and summer data (DaVinciv248r2.opts)
- possibility to run L1Decision.opts on Brunel v14r2 data (already 
present on OODST v16r4 data)
- new algorithm for creation of neutral protoparticles from CaloParticles
available in OODST v16r4 data
- use tracks flagged as VeloBack() (introduced in OODST v16r4 data)
in primary vertex determination (tuned on Brunel v14r2 data)
- modified and new selections (see details in PhysSelections release notes)

Resonance are set at creation time and vertexing is done with their decays products.

Various types of ParticleMakers for particleID with different detectors are available.

Non-optimized versions of various offline physics selection for performance studies are available in the PhysSelections package. The following have been modified to run on OO-DST files. Those with new or modified code/options with respect to DaVinci v6r1 have been highlighted.

Bd -> D0 bar ( K pi ) K* ( K pi )
Bs -> mu mu 
MOD Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) K
Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) pi      
MOD Bs -> J/Psi (mu mu) phi ( K K )
MOD Bd -> J/Psi (mu mu) Ks ( pi pi ) renaming
Bd -> mu mu K*(K pi)     
Bd -> pi pi
NEW Bs -> J/Psi (e e) phi ( K K )
NEW Bd -> D ( K pi pi) D ( K pi pi)
NEW Bs -> Ds( K K pi) Ds( K K pi)
NEW Bd -> K* ( K pi ) gamma     
Bd -> phi ( K K ) Ks ( pi pi )     

It is possible to configure tools making use of a Transporter to choose the concrete type to use.

Associators for all type of ProtoParticles and for CompositeParticles following the links of the products are available.

A first version of an algorithm to evaluate efficiencies for physics selections is available.

The FlavourTagging package is recommended for use only by experts at the moment.

Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
web access to AFS release area
tar files of the sources

Physics packages

(package structure)

Phys/DaVinci  v6r2 7th January 2003
Event/PhysEvent v7r2 4th December 2002
Rec/GlobalReco v2r2 7th January 2003
Phys/DaVinciTools v7r1 7th January 2003
Phys/DaVinciAssociators v3r0 30th October 2002
Phys/DaVinciMCTools v4r1  7th January 2003
Phys/DaVinciTest v4r0  13th November 2002
Phys/DaVinciUser v4r0  13th November 2002
Phys/PhysSelections v4r1  7th January 2003
Phys/FlavourTagging v4r1  7th January 2003
Phys/DaVinciEff  v2r1 7th January 2003
LHCb packages Refer to the requirements file
Gaudi packages based on Gaudi v10r3
Documentation Quick get the package/control the application
Release notes (DaVinci, DaVinciTools, DaVinciMCTools, DaVinciAssociators, DaVinciTest, DaVinciUser, PhysSelections, FlavourTagging, DaVinciEff, GlobalReco, PhysEvent, Event)
C++ code documentation (DaVinci

direct links to Event relevant classes: Particle, Vertex, MCParticle, MCVertex, ParticleID, Collision, EventHeader, ProtoParticle

List of particle name and PDG id numbers