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Release Date 7 August 2003

Move to Gaudi v12r0, LHCb v12r1, XmlDDDB v17r0, CMT v14, support for gcc3.2

     From now on code MUST compile on gcc32

     (source $LHCBHOME/scripts/CMT.csh gcc32)

Changes in HLT

New way of making all type of Kshort including use of particleID info

     new package Phys/Ks2PiPiSel

     options for loose or tight selection

     remove old Rec/KsReco (used to REMAKE Ks as was done in Brunel)

     still possible to READ Ks in OODST with V0Maker

ProtoParticles cuts optimized for TTT and VTT tracks

     off by default for backward compatibility and fixed mismatch for Chi2/NDoF for long tracks.

     cuts can be set to reproduce old behaviour.

Options to select on type of tracks in CombinedParticleMaker

     default set for most analysis (for the moment):

       CombinedParticleMaker.UseLongTracks = true;

       CombinedParticleMaker.UseUpstreamTracks = false;

       CombinedParticleMaker.UseVTTTracks = false;

More summary in Efficiency Algorithm and fixed bug introduced in DaVinciEff v2r6 for certain decays. Break down works only for some decays (refer to release notes for details).

Drop support for data produced with Brunel < v17r4 (Spring 2003 Production) and reprocessing for Global robustness test data.  Support for new data with Brunel v20r0

     XmlDDB dependent options:



Modification in (pre)selections

     Tight cuts introduced for Bd2DstarPi exclusive

     New (pre)selection for Bs2DsH

See below for packages highlighted in yellow for changes in functionality,  grey for changes only for Gaudi v12r0 (LHCb v12r1) or gcc32 support.

Documentation C++ code documentation (DaVinci

direct links to Event relevant classes: Particle, Vertex, MCParticle, MCVertex, ParticleID, Collision, EventHeader, ProtoParticle, FlavourTag, L0DUReport, L1Report

DaVinci release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area)
How to run L0 and L1 trigger with the TDR tuning.
How to use and  more info on CombinedParticleMaker.
How to run and retrieve results of Flavour Tagging
How to configure the Efficiency algorithm and definition of reconstructible/reconstructed
How to run the new Kshort algorithm with all type of tracks
DaVinciAssociators User Guide
List of particle name and PDG id numbers
Quick get the package/control the application (under CMT projects)
Tutorial (modified for DaVinci v7r3)

DaVinci packages

(package structure and overall contents)

Highlighted packages

(in yellow for new functionality, in grey for Gaudi v12r0 & gcc32) have changed respect to v8r3p4.



Phys/ DaVinci  v9r0 7th August 2003
DaVinciTools v8r2 7th August 2003
DaVinciAssociators v4r2p1 7th August 2003
DaVinciMCTools v5r0  2th May 2003
MCTools v1r1p1 27th June 2003
DaVinciTest v4r1p2  7th August 2003
DaVinciUser v4r1p1  7th August 2003
PhysSelections v6r0p2 7th August 2003
FlavourTagging v4r6p1 7th August 2003
  Ks2PiPiSel v1r0 7th August 2003 - New
DaVinciEff  v2r8p1 7th August 2003
Rec/ GlobalReco v4r1 7th August 2003
KsReco Removed
PrimVtx v2r1 7th August 2003
RecoTools v1r0p1 18th June 2003
Calo/ CaloInterfaces v2r4 5th November 2002
CaloUtils v4r4 6th November 2002
CaloReco v1r6 23rd June 2003
CaloPID v1r1 17th July 2003
Muon/ MuonID v2r6 3th June 2003
Tr/ TrExtrapolator v2r6 19th June 2002
L0/ L0DU v6r5 3th June 2003
L1/ L1Decision v2r1 27th June 2003
Hlt/ HltTools v3r0 5th August 2003
HltVelo v3r0 5th August 2003
HltVeloTT v3r0 5th August 2003
HltLongTrack v3r0 5th August 2003
  HltMuonID v1r0 5th August 2003 - New
HltChecker v3r0 5th August 2003
Physics Selections available and related packages.

Highlighted packages

(in yellow for new functionality, in grey for gcc32) have changed respect to v8r3p4.


Decay Author Package (under PhySel/ )
Bc -> Ds( K K pi)  D0 bar ( K pi ) K.George B2DD v1r4p1 07 Aug 03
Bd -> D ( K pi pi) D ( K pi pi)
Bs -> Ds( K K pi) Ds( K K pi)
Bd -> pi pi V.Vagnoni B2HH v1r4 07 Jul 03
Bd -> K pi
Bs -> pi K
Bs -> K K
Bd -> D0 bar ( K pi ) K* ( K pi ) M.Gandelman Bd2D0Kstar v2r0p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> D* ( D (K pi) pi ) pi  L.Allebone Bd2DstarPi v1r3 07 Aug 03
Bd -> D* ( D (inclusive) pi ) pi  J.Rademacker
Bd -> J/Psi (mu mu) Ks ( pi pi ) S.Amato Bd2JpsiKs v1r2p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> J/Psi (mu mu) K* ( K pi ) L.dePaula Bd2JpsiKstar v1r2p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> K pi pi pi  C.Rimbault Bd2KPiPiPi v1r1p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> K* ( K pi ) gamma G.Pakhlova Bd2KstarGamma v1r1 02 May 03
Bd -> mu mu K* ( K pi ) H.Lopes Bd2MuMuKstar v1r2p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> Phi (KK)  Ks ( pi pi ) B.Viaud Bd2PhiKs v1r1p1 29 Jul 03
Bd -> pi0 pi0 S.Monteil Bd2Pi0Pi0 v1r0p1 29 Jul 03
pi0 -> gamma gamma (resolved)  F.Machefert B2PiPiPi0 v1r2p1 29 Jul 03
pi0 -> gamma gamma (merged)  O.Deschamps
Bd -> pi pi pi0 M.-H.Schune
Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) pi  R.White Bs2DsH v2r0 07 Aug 03
Bs -> Ds ( K K pi) K 
Bs -> J/Psi (mu mu)  Eta  B.Carron Bs2JpsiEta v1r1p1 29 Jul 03
Bs -> J/Psi (mu mu) phi ( K K ) G.Raven Bs2JpsiPhi v1r2 03 Jun 03
Bs -> J/Psi (e e) phi ( K K )
Bs -> Phi (KK) Etac  L.Fernandez Bs2PhiEtac v1r3p1 29 Jul 03
Bs -> mu mu  F.daCunha Bs2MuMu v1r3 23 Jul 03
Bs -> Phi (KK) gamma  G.Pakhlova Bs2PhiGamma v1r0p1 03 Jun 03
Bs -> Phi (KK) Phi (KK)  S.Barsuk Bs2PhiPhi v1r1 08 Jul 03
Bu -> Ks (pi pi) pi A.Buckley Bu2KsPi v1r1 08 Aug 03
LHCb packages LHCb v12r1 (refer to the requirements files for full package list):
KernelSys  v1r4
EventSys v14r1 PhysEvent v7r6 ( 2003)
DetSys v2r1
AssociatorsSys  v1r4
XmlDDB v17r0
Gaudi packages based on Gaudi v12r0
Additional applications in DAVINCI_v9r0
Tools/ TriggerFilter v2r0 Application to produce stripped files with events passing L0 & L1 trigger with TDR tuning
Tools/ DecayPresel v2r0 Application to produce stripped files with events passing PREselections for various decay channels
Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure
tar files of the sources
web access to CVS repository
web access to AFS release area