Version v9r4 - branch
Release Date 9 April 2004 Description DaVinci v9r4 is an updated version fully compatible with TDR data. It is identical with DaVinci v9r3 except for some geometry-independent improvements introduced in versions v10 to v11r5. In particular there are several bug fixes in the DaVinci(MC)Tools and a new version of the B Tagging.
Also some new decay selections are introduced or updated.
Note that this is a branch, hence no developments based on this version are supported. Please base your changes on DaVinci v11r5 or later.
Apart from geometry changes, some backward-incompatible modifications in DaVinci v11 are not in this version. In particular DV v9r4 does not contain the new DVAlgorithm.h, hence selection following the guidelines will not run with DaVinci v9r4. Also the new track naming scheme is not applied.
People who would like to run the same algorithm with DaVinci v9r4 and DaVinci v11rX are encouraged to use precompiler flags in their requirement file
macro_append cppflags " -DDVvnine " \
VisualC " /DDVvnine "
and#ifdef DVvnine
in their source code. Please leave the flags commented out in the requirements file you put in CVS.
Documentation Doxigen Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the release area of DAVINCI_v9r3) Requirements Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure tar files of the sources web access to CVS repository web access to AFS release area DaVinci packages modified respect to v9r3.
Versions in red are branches.
Phys/ DaVinci v9r4 9 April 2004 Phys/ DaVinciTools v8r4p1 7 April 2004 Phys/ DaVinciMCTools v5r1p1 7 April 2004 Phys/ FlavourTagging v4r7p1 11 March 2004 Event/ TrEvent v12r2 12 December 2003 PhysSel/ PhysSelSys v6r1p1 7 April 2004 Physics Selections modified respect to v9r3.
Decay Author Package (under PhySel/ ) Bs -> Ds H J. van Tilburg Bs2DsH v2r3 25 Mar 04 Bs -> KsKs A. Carbone Bs2KsKs v1r0 (new) 7 Apr 04 Bd -> a1 D* K. Ciba Bd2a1Dstar v1r1 5 Apr 04 D0 -> Mu Mu A. Sarti D02MuMu v1r2 (new) 7 Apr 04 LHCb packages used LHCb v12r1 (refer to the requirements files for full package list):
KernelSys v1r4 EventSys v14r1 PhysEvent v7r6 (2003) DetSys v2r1 AssociatorsSys v1r4 XmlDDB v17r0 Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v12r0 Additional applications in DAVINCI_v9r4
Tools/ DecayPresel v2r3 Application to produce stripped files with events passing PREselections for various decay channels