Boole v5r0 - released 22nd January 2004

The table below lists change introduced in Boole version v5r0, relative to version v4r0

Subsystem Item Responsible Status
Framework Use Gaudi version v14 (SEAL+POOL integration) M.Cattaneo Done - uses LHCB v15r0
oodigi Added HepMCEvents, if available on input file M.Cattaneo In DigiContent.opts, now moved to Boole package
  Added new Link objects for MCTruth of tracking digits O.Callot LinkerEvent v1r0
  Added MCTrackInfo for "in Acceptance" and "Reconstructible" flags (Trg definition) O.Callot Event v4r0, MCTools v1r2
L0 L0Muon Brunel.opts renamed Boole.opts, and phase name changed to conform to Boole convention M.Cattaneo In L0Muon v6r7
L1 New track model J.Hernando See talks of 12/11/03, 19/11/03. In TrgEvent v2r0, TrgTools v2r0
  New Velo 2D+3D tracking O.Callot In TrgVelo v2r0
  New VeloTT tracking O.Callot In TrgVeloTT v1r0
  New PV search M.Witek In L1Reco v2r0
  New monitoring O.Callot In TrgChecker v2r0
Velo Added algorithm to fill L1Buffer N.Tuning In TrgTools v2r0
  Added algorithm to fill RawBuffer O.Callot In TrgTools v2r0
ST Added algorithm to fill L1Buffer O.Callot Temporary version for TT only. In TrgTools v2r0
Calo Retuned "trigger" calibration constants ("active to total" ratio for Ecal/Hcal) for Gauss data I.Belyaev In  XmlDDDB v20r1
  Added algorithm to fill L1Buffer (L0CaloCandidates) O.Callot In L0Calo v7r2