Boole v5r3 - released 22nd March 2004
The table below lists change introduced in Boole version v5r3, relative to version v5r2
Subsystem | Item | Responsible | Remarks |
Framework | Use LHCB version v15r4, Gaudi version v14r3, XmlDDDB version v22r0 | M.Cattaneo | |
Provide common "nearest int" function (c.f. Velo, ST implementations) | M.Cattaneo | In LHCbKernel v4r3, LHCbMath::round(x) | |
Fix spillover for POOL input | M.Frank | Fixed in GaudiPoolDb v1r5 | |
Digi output | POOL output is now the default | M.Cattaneo | |
RawBuffer and L1Buffer now complete | M.Cattaneo, M.Needhem, C.Parkes | ||
Removed OTDigits (POOL only) | M.Cattaneo, J.Nardulli | Available in RawBuffer. No longer needed in Brunel, following fix to OTDAQ v1r1 | |
Removed ITDigits (POOL only) | M.Cattaneo, M.Needham | Available in RawBuffer | |
Removed VeloClusters (POOL only) | M.Cattaneo, C.Parkes | Available in RawBuffer | |
Event Model | Backwards incompatible change to internal encoding of VeloChannelID | M.Tobin | LHCbKernel v4r3 |
Use VeloChannelID of first strip as key of VeloCluster (backwards incompatible) | C.Parkes | VeloEvent v13r0p1 | |
Geometry | New (backwards incompatible) layout of Rich2 Hpd | A.Papanestis | XmlDDDB v22r0 |
L0 | More detailed simulation of L0Muon hardware implementation | L.Tocco, R.LeGac | L0mConf v2r1, L0MuonKernel v1r0, L0MuonTrigger v1r0, ParamFiles v3r4 |
L1 | Updated to use complete RawBuffer and L1Buffer, new tuning | O.Callot, M.Witek | TrgTools v3r0, TrgVelo v3r0, TrgVeloTT v3r0, TrgVeloTT v3r0, L1Reco v3r0 |
New monitoring of primary vertex | E.Rodrigues | L0Monitor v1r0 | |
Velo | New and repackaged Velo code to fill L1Buffer and RawBuffer | C.Parkes | VeloDAQ v1r0, VeloAlgorithms v2r9p1 |
ST | Added code to fill L1+RawBuffer | M.Needham | STDAQ v1r0, ITAlgorithms v14r1, ITCheckers v2r1, STDet v1r1, ITEvent v13r2, ITAssociators v2r7 |
Rich | Removed temporary fix to energy scale | C.Jones | RichReadout v1r7. Compatible with Gauss 14r3 or later |
Use new base classes for Algorithms and Tools | C.Jones | GaudiAlg v7r1, GaudiTools v8r1, LHCbKernel v4r4, RichUtils v3r8, RichDetTools v4r0, RichReadout v1r7, RichDigiQC v1r5 | |
Calo | Use new base classes for Algorithms and Tools | I.Belyaev | GaudiAlg v7r1, GaudiTools v8r0, CaloMonitor v2r0, CaloDigit v1r6 |