LHCb notes related to Boole |
This page last edited by MC on February 22, 2008. |
The following is a compilation of LHCb notes and presentations concerning digitization and L0 trigger. It is certainly not complete. If your favourite note does not appear in this list, please let me know....
See also the Event Model and
Online buffers
Velo Simulation web pages, ODE Emulation software web page
Outer Tracker Occupancy Studies; Nardulli, J; Simioni, E; Pellegrino, A; Merk,
M; LHCb-2005-092
J.v.Tilburg, "Track simulation and reconstruction in LHCb" Section 5.3.
J.v.Tilburg, "Overview of the Outer Tracker software",
Presentation at the OT meeting in Cambridge, 2002-09-18
J.v.Tilburg, "Outer Tracker Software".
M.Merk et al., "An improved digitization procedure for the outer tracker".
LHCb 2001-055
Rich Software Manual, http://cern.ch/jonesc/OORich/, chapter 8.
G.Martellotti, R.Santacesaria, A.Satta, "Muon system digitization".
R.Santacesaria, A.Satta, "The simulation of the muon detector response".
R.Santacesaria, A.Satta, "A new calculation of the low energy background in the muon system".
A.Tsaregorodtsev, "Muon system parameterised background-algorithm and
implementation". LHCb-2000-011
J.Cogan, "Recent changes to the L0Muon software",
Presentation at T-Rec, 2007-09-24.
E.Rodrigues, "Level-0 Checking Software Reference Manual".
L.Tocco, "L0 Muon Trigger simulation of the processor 'bit-a-bit'",
Presentation at the 16th LHCb software week, 2004-03-31.
E.Aslanides et al. "Map of the trigger sectors for the Muon Detector".
LHCb 2003-161
E.Aslanides et al. "Muon trigger performance with the reoptimised LHCb
LHCb collaboration, "LHCb Trigger System Technical Design Report".
CERN/LHCC 2003-031, chapters
E.Aslanides et al., "A realistic algorithm for the level 0 muon trigger".
LHCb 2002-042
M.Cattaneo "Boole and Brunel status",
Presentation at the
LHCb week, plenary I, 2007-09-11.
M.Cattaneo "Boole status and plans",
Presentation at the 30th LHCb software week, 2007-05-09.
M.Cattaneo "Boole for DC06 production",
Presentation at the 26th LHCb software week, 2006-04-26.
M.Cattaneo "Boole plans",
Presentation at the
23rd LHCb software week, 2005-09-28.
M.Cattaneo "Boole/Brunel status & plans",
Presentation at the
LHCb software week, 2005-03-04.
M.Cattaneo "Boole and Brunel status",
Presentation at the 16th
LHCb software week, 2004-03-31.
M.Cattaneo "Boole and Brunel status",
Presentation at the 15th LHCb software week, 2003-11-12.
M.Cattaneo "Digitization and Reconstruction",
Presentation at the 14th LHCb software week, 2003-06-11.