Most changes to the pin-out of the LHCb Specific connector are due to the fact, that we had to change from the PLX PCI9080 (datasheet) to the PLX PCI9030 (datasheet and Errata) interface chip between PCI and the local bus. This chip has a different set of control signals to the Local bus and hence this had to be reflected in the pins of the connector. We tried to re-use control signals as much as possible, so that existing designs wouldn't break.
Other changes concern the power provision to the glue board. It is now assumed, that the carrier board will provide 3.3 and 5 Volt power to the glue card.
Other minor changes concern JTAG. On the new board the JTAG producing circuitry (emulating a ByteBlaster cable) will be supplied by a voltage which is taken from the carrier board and this will determine the signaling level of the output JTAG. Like this the implementer can choose the Level of JTAG betwenn 3.3 and 5 Volts. This feature will most likely disappear in future versions of the glueboard, since the Chip envisaged to fanout JTAG to different JTAG chains can ONLY run at 3.3 Volts.
Pin A62 has been changed from MODE to NC. Since the PLX9030 is also used on the Glue-Card, it is impractical to leave the PLX 9030 mode determined by the user. The PLX 9030 Mode will be fixed on the Gluecard to 32-bit Address/Data Multiplexed.
Pins B71 to B75, B77 to B84 and B86 to
B89 were previously assigned to contain the printer signals, but are no
converted to NC. Since the printer signals are used on the gluecard to produce
JTAG for local usage, these signals are not usable for connecting a
printer and are hence not useful to the user.