Credit-Card PCs Software |
This page is new and any kind of comments, questions
and criticisms concerning itself, the software and documentation are
highly appreciated!
Please direct them to
Where appropriate the answers will be sent to
The CC-PCs are disk-less embedded PCs. They have a small Flash-RAM
installed out of which they boot the
Linux OS. Currently we use kernel version 2.2.19, and our distribution
is based on RedHat 6.2. Everything apart from the kernel image is remotely
accessed via NFS. This includes the basic Linux system, as well as the
LHCb specific drivers and user software. On this page you will find
installation instructions and software for setting up a server for the
The server will typically be a PC running Linux
(preferably RedHat, but with some care other installations should pose
no problem)
The server must have a reasonable amount of free
disk-space to host the root file-system of the CC-PCs, and their /var,
/tmp partitions. As a rule of thumb one should reckon 600 MB for the
root filesystem and some 200 MB for each CC-PC, depending slightly on
the mode of operation
The server must have dhcp installed. Each CCPC
will need a valid IP-address and hostname on the network it is to be
installed on. This information and the Ethernet (a.k.a. hardware
address) of the CCPC will be needed to add it to the system.
The server must have NFS installed and working: beware
of (default) firewall settings, which might prevent NFS from working!
The default user to operate on the CCPC is called cc
(default password amex). It will be added to you server by the install
procedure. It has userid 502 and groupid 20502. If this conflicts with
your system, you must resolve this, unfortunately NFS relies on UID/GID
to grant access :-(.
Below is a list of the latest version of the software
packages for the CC-PC. Version numbers have two components: the number
before the dot is the version number and the number after the dot
the release version (usually for bug-fixes).
The rpms can also be found on AFS: /afs/cern.ch/lhcb/online/ccpc/RPMS
*) Untar (tar
-zx < filename.tgz) and follow the instructions in the README file
How to install the base-system in a nutshell (using the
rpms) - the preferred method
Get the ccpcroot-2.2.19 and
ccpcm rpms from this page
The current version lets you only install to /opt/ccpc.
This will be fixed in the next release. If you do not have enough space
on /opt create a symlink like:
ln -s /here_i_have_space/opt /opt
Install them (as root):
rpm -i ...
If rpm complains about a
failed dependency like libxxkrb5, try to install with --nodeps option
Verify (using ls -al /)
that the link /cc points to /opt/ccpc. If not, then fix this by typing:
rm /cc; ln -sf /opt/ccpc /cc
There is an annoying bug to
be fixed in the next release. In the meantime please type the following
before installing any other package:
rm -f /cc/ccpcroot-2.2.19/usr/local/include
How to install the base-system in a nutshell (using the
tarballs) - when you can't use rpm
Get the ccpcroot and ccpcm packages from this page
Untar the ccpcm package: tar -zx < ccpcm-v1.0.tgz
Copy the ccpcroot package into the directory ccpcm
Select a directory with sufficient space to install the
CCPC server and note the absolute path to it
Cd into the ccpcm directory and (as root) type ./install
How to add a ccpc
Verify the base system has been installed
Select an ip-number and ip-hostname for your CC-PC. If
necessary register it in your local network (at CERN for example
you must do this!).
Note the hardware address (Ethernet address) of the
CC-PC. (Usually written on the cover).
Make sure that an rudimentary version of /etc/dhcpd.conf
exists. It should contain at least the following lines:
subnet xxx.yyy.zzz.0
netmask {
not authoritative;
group {
Subnet and netmask must match your
network configuration. You can ask your network administrator or me, if
you are not sure.
Warning: The cc_addnode cc_addnfs
cc_adddhcp scripts modify your system /etc/dhcpd.conf and /etc/exports
files! They should be safe, but they assume that the files are
syntactically correct. You can verify this by trying to start nfs
and dhcpd respectively. From the command line the most basic way to do
so is to type (as root):
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart
/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd restart
If you do not have RedHat, the path to these scripts may be different.
As root type: cc_addnode ip-hostname ip-number
here ip-hostname is given without the domain name, the ip-number in the
form and the hw-address in the form FE:ED:BA:BE:CC:DD
A write-up will be released as soon as possible - sorry!
No questions yet - please shoot :-)
Please send comments and suggestions to
niko.neufeld@cern.ch. |