This section includes a quick reference for the methods on the Custom Interface. These interfaces, their parameters and behavior are defined in more detail later in the reference sections.
IOPCServerPublicGroups (optional)
IOPCBrowseServerAddressSpace (optional)
IConnectionPointContainer (new 2.0)
IOPCPublicGroupStateMgt (optional)
IConnectionPointContainer (new 2.0)
HRESULT | SetLocaleID ( dwLcid ) |
HRESULT | GetLocaleID ( pdwLcid ) |
HRESULT | QueryAvailableLocaleIDs ( pdwCount, pdwLcid ) |
HRESULT | GetErrorString ( dwError, ppString) |
HRESULT | SetClientName (szName) |
HRESULT | EnumConnectionPoints( IEnumConnectionPoints ppEnum); |
HRESULT | FindConnectionPoint( REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint ppCP); |
HRESULT | QueryAvailableProperties(szItemID,
ppPropertyIDs, ppDescriptions, ppvtDataTypes ); |
HRESULT | GetItemProperties
(szItemID, dwCount, pdwPropertyIDs,
ppvData, ppErrors ); |
HRESULT | LookupItemIDs( szItemID, dwCount,
ppszNewItemIDs, ppErrors ); |
HRESULT | GetPublicGroupByName(szName, riid, ppUnk); |
HRESULT | RemovePublicGroup(hServerGroup, bForce); |
HRESULT | IsDirty(); |
HRESULT | Load(pszFileName, dwMode); |
HRESULT | Save(pszFileName, fRemember); |
HRESULT | SaveCompleted( pszFileName); |
HRESULT | GetCurFileName( ppszFileName); |
HRESULT | GetState(pPublic); |
HRESULT | MoveToPublic(void); |
HRESULT | Read(dwSource, dwCount, phServer, ppItemValues, ppErrors) |
HRESULT | Write(dwCount, phServer, pItemValues, ppErrors) |
HRESULT | EnumConnectionPoints( IEnumConnectionPoints ppEnum); |
HRESULT | FindConnectionPoint( REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint ppCP); |
HRESULT | Dadvise(pFmt, adv, pSnk, pConnection); |
HRESULT | Dunadvise(Connection); |
Note: all other functions can be stubs which return E_NOTIMPL.
HRESULT | Next(celt, ppItemArray, pceltFetched); |
HRESULT | Skip(celt); |
HRESULT | Reset( void); |
HRESULT | Clone(ppEnumItemAttributes); |
void | ShutdownRequest(szReason); |
void | OnDataChange(pFE, pSTM); |
Note: all other functions can be stubs which return E_NOTIMPL.