The ''Type'' column of table ''JobParams'' cannot be filled with any value. Table 2 give a list of the allowed values and their meaning.
Value | Meaning |
''Info'' | This parameter gives information on the conditions under which the job ran |
''Script'' | This is a script that was launched before the job was run. |
''Environment variable'' | This is an environment variable that was defined before the job was run. |
''Error'' | This is a parameter created by the book process when it crashes. It stores what could not be put anywhere else du to the crash. |
Many parameter tables are defined in this design that may keep most of the relevant information. It is thus important to agree on the name of the parameters to be able to retrieve the information. Here are the parameters and name that are defined by default. More parameters may be defined in the future. Note that in the case of the ''JobParams'' table, these are ''Info'' parameters.
Sebastien Ponce 2004-03-12