L0Muon banks : DC'06 version (bank version = 0)
(From Julien Cogan's talk at T-REC on 24th September 2007)
Unique bank type (L0Muon), 5 sourceIDs – default mode = 0, i.e. :
srcID = 0 : bank from the TELL1 connected to the controller boards□
contains the muon candidates selected by the controller boards and sent to L0DU●
i.e. the information used by HLT
srcID = 1,2,3,4 : banks from the TELL1s connected to the processing boards□
contains the muon candidates selected by the BCSUs□
contains the muon candidates found by the PUsNB :
in the previous version, the bank with srcID=1,...,4 were written but not decoded–
in the latest release of the software only the srcID = 0 are encoded and decoded
bank for srcID=1,...,4 have been dropped