The following is a list of options that may be set for the standard components: e.g. data files for input, print-out level for the message service, etc. The options are listed in tabular form for each component along with the default value and a short explanation. The component name is given in the table caption thus: [ComponentName].
Option name
Default value
EvtSel1 |
"NONE" (if no event input)2 |
Maximum number of events to process. The default is -1 (infinite) unless EvtSel = "NONE" in which case it is 10. |
List of external services names (not known to the ApplicationMgr). Format: |
Declares an output stream object for writing data to a persistent store, e.g. {"DstWriter"}; See also Table B.9 |
Search list of DLLs for dynamic loading (NT only). Format: {<dll1>[,<dll2>,...]}; |
Detector database location (filename,URL). If empty then the environment valiable XMLDDDBROOT is used. |
Histogram persistency mechanism. Available options are "HBOOK" and "ROOT" |
The last two options define the source of the job options file and so they cannot be defined in the job options file itself. There are two possibilities to set these options, the first one is using a environment variable called JOBOPTPATH or setting the option to the application manager directly from the main program3. The coded option takes precedence. |
Option name
Default value
Algorithm name
Option Name
Default value
Output stream objects are used for writing user created data into data files or databases. They are created and named by setting the option ApplicationMgr.OutStream. For each output stream the following options are available |
Option name
Default value
Conversion service to be used.4 |
Output file name5 |
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Input file(s) for n-tuples. Format: |
Output file fInput file(s) for n-tuples. Format: |
Storage type. 6=HBOOK6 |
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Location of the top node of the detector geometry in the transient detector data store |
Option name
Default value
Option name
Default value
Switch for generic detector element conversion7 |
1. The "EvtSel" property of ApplicationMgr is replaced by the property "Input" of EventSelector. Only the value "NONE" is still valid.
3. The setting of properties from the main program is discussed in chapter 4.
7. The XML conversion service allows the possibility to convert user defined detector elements to generic detector elements. This means that only the generic part of the detector element, and its associated geometry, will be converted but not the user defined detector element data. This feature can be used when the user defined detector element data are not needed (e.g. visualization) or when the corresponding user defined XML converters are not available (testing). When this feature is switched ON, the Gaudi application will run successfully with an information message saying that this feature is enabled, and will print out the information about all the detector elements to which this generic conversion is applied. The limitation of this feature is that after the generic conversion the returned reference points to a DetectorElement object and not to the user defined class. This means that SmartDataPtr class can be parameterized only by DetectorElement class and not by the user defined class.