Wednesday 2 | Thursday 3 | Friday 4 | |
room | 160/1-009 | 304/1-001A&B | 160/1-009 |
9.00 | Status of Algorithms |
Platforms and Tools |
11.00 | Status of Algorithms |
Libraries |
12.30 | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH |
14.00 | Status of GAUDI v2 |
Simulation |
Planning |
16.00 | Status of GAUDI v2 |
Reconstruction Project |
Wednesday 9 a.m. Status of Algorithms (160/1-009)
News from developers of algorithms including, where possible, feedback on use of GAUDI Release 1.
- Progress with RICH pattern recognition algorithm (ppt, ps): D. Liko and N. Neufeld 20'
- Status of Muon algorithms (ppt, ps) : P. Colrain 20'
- Status of Calorimeter software (ps): I. Korolko 20'
- Status of Tracking software (ps) : M. Needham 20'
- Tools for physics analysis - status update (ppt , ps) : G. Corti 20'
- Experience with Objectivity using RICH testbeam data M.Alemi 20'
- discussion : summary of feedback on GAUDI v1
Wednesday 2 p.m. Status of GAUDI v2 (160/1-009)
- Summary of new features in release 2 of GAUDI (ppt, ps) P.Mato 30'
- Implementation of writable storage based on ROOT I/O (ppt, ps) M.Frank 30'
- First prototype of the LHCb detector description model (ppt, ps) R. Chytracek 20'
- Status of integration of Open Scientist in GAUDI (ppt, ps): G. Barrand 30'
- Integration of SICb software and data (ppt, ps) G. Gracia 20'
- Guidelines on writing 'converters' for handling persistent data (ppt, ps) P.Maley 20'
Thursday 9 a.m. Platforms and Tools for running SICb (304/1-001A&B)
- Proposal for a dedicated LHCb Linux/PC batch facility at CERN(ppt, ps) : C.Charbonnier 20'
- Status report on the Liverpool Farm project (MAP) (ppt, ps) : T. Bowcock 20'
- Use of CMT for managing new SICb software releases (ppt , ps) : F.Ranjard 30'
- Project proposal for use of a database for MC productions (ppt, ps) : J.Closier 20'Thursday 11 a.m. Libraries (304/1-001A&B)
- Libraries in use from LHC++ (clhep, HTL) (ppt, ps) : P.Binko 20'
- Using the NAG (math) library (ppt , ps): M.Cattaneo 15'
- Status of ROOT I/O (RIO) package (ppt, ps) : G.Barrand 20'
Thursday 2 p.m. Simulation (304/1-001A&B)
- Overview on the GEANT4 simulation toolkit (ppt, ps) : J. Apostolakis (IT/ASD) 60'
- Getting started with GEANT4 in LHCb : discussionThursday 4 p.m. Reconstruction (304/1-001A&B)
- Proposal for organising LHCb Event Reconstruction (ppt, ps) : M. Cattaneo 30'
- Discussion
Friday 9 a.m. SICb (160/1-009)
Status reports on all components: v118
- BeamPipe & Infrastructure description : A.Tsaregorotsev 20'
- New Magnet design:
o geometry : A.Jacholkowska 10'
o simulation tests summary:
a)multiplicities & resolutions : A.Jacholkowska 10'
b)muon trigger : P.Colrain 10'
d)RICHes : G.Wilkinson 10'
- Calorimeters : I.Korolko 20'
Plans for release of next version: v119
Implementation of stdHEP, Pythia 6.1xx and QQ (ps) : P.Koppenburg 30'
ALEPH generators : A.Falvard 20'
Monte Carlo production - schedule
- plans (ppt, ps) : A.Jacholkowska 10'
- resources (ppt, ps) : J. Closier 10'
Friday 2 p.m. Planning (160/1-009)
Discussion to plan the next phase of the work programme (ppt, ps) :