Wednesday 24 | Thursday 25 | Friday 26 | |
room | 160/1-009 | 160/1-009 | 160/1-009 |
9.00 | SICb |
Computing Model |
11.00 | SICb |
Open Discussion |
12.30 | LUNCH | LUNCH | LUNCH |
14.00 | Reconstruction |
Geometry,Visualisation |
16.00 | Reconstruction |
Simulation |
Wednesday 9 a.m. SICb (160/1-009)
- Status of SICb (ppt) A.Jacholkowska
- Production schedule and performance (ppt) E. van Herwijnen
- SICb production at DRAL (ppt) C.Brew
- MAP - Status of the project (ps) M.McCubbin
- MAP - Results of using a storage server and experience with Linux (ppt) I. Last
- SICb migration - Separation of simulation and reconstruction parts (ppt) F.Ranjard
Wednesday 2 p.m. Reconstruction (160/1-009)
This session is devoted to getting the status of the pattern recognition algorithms and prospects for integration with the GAUDI framework.
- Structure of Reconstruction program (ppt) M Cattaneo
- Status of Track Fitting framework (ps) M. Needam
- Tracking pattern recognition studies (ppt) R. Hierck
- Status of RICH pattern recognition and integration with GAUDI (ppt)D.Liko/N.Neufeld
- OO design of clustering algorithms for LHCb CALOrimeters(ppt) V. Breton
- Status of Calorimeter software (pdf) I. Korolko
- Status of Muon Digitization Software (ppt) P.Colrain
- Prospects for VELO transition to GAUDI (ppt) D. Steele
- Discussion
Thursday 9 a.m. GAUDI (160/1-009)
Information will be given on the new features contained in the latest release of GAUDI.
- Overview of release (ppt) P. Mato
- Update on Event model (ppt) P. Binko
- Geometry description model (ppt) P. Mato on behalf of I. Belyaev
- Detector description persistency (ppt) R. Chytracek
- N-tuples in Gaudi (ppt) M. Frank
- New JobOptions service (ppt) S. Probst
- Analysis examples that use framework (ppt) G. Corti
Thursday 2 p.m. VISUALISATION / EVENT DISPLAY (160/1-009)
- building an event display with GAUDI (ppt) P.Mato
- a framework for the user interface, menus etc (ppt) G. Barrand
- first attempt at an event display using WIRED (ppt) E. van Herwijnen
- JODA : Java event display and analysis tool for RICH testbeam(ppt) N. NeufeldThursday 4 p.m. SIMULATION (160/1-009)
- plans for building a complete geometry model (ppt) G. Gracia
- prospects for integration of physics event generators with GAUDI (ps) P.Bartalini
- first experiences with GEANT4 in simulation of calorimeter (pdf) I.Korolko
Friday 9 a.m. Computing Model (160/1-009)
- Overview of workplan (ppt) F Harris
- Planning for LHC Computing
o in the UK (ppt) A Halley
o in Germany (ps) M Schmelling
(NB input from other countries would be welcome too.....)
- DiscussionFriday 11 a.m. Open discussion (160/1-009)
Time to put forward your questions, concerns, suggestions on any issues e.g.
- OO issues - learning C++ and OOAD, training needs, design and code review needs, books, ...
- development tools - compilers, debuggers, use of CVS and CMT, ...
- access to information - meetings, web, videoconferencing,...Please try to let me know your questions in advance so that material can be prepared to answer them.
Friday 2 p.m. Summary (160/1-009)
Agree list of actions and work programme
Fix dates for software weeks in 2000