Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 28 August
Present: M.Cattaneo, G.Corti, I.Belayev, J.Harvey, K.Harrison, M.Needham,
J.Closier, I.Korolko, O.Callot,
F.Ranjard, B.Hay, F.Harris, O.Schneider, I.Videau, A.Jacholkowska
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. SICBMC v234 and SICBDST v236 (Flr)
- These versions are installed on $LHCBSOFT but cannot be used for production:
- There is not yet a trigger correctly implemented for this version
- Current production of DST2 with SICBDST v235 is currently stopped because of too many
crashes in RICH code:
- these crashes are probably due to the huge number of tracks because they happen:
- every 2 events when making pileup with SICBDST v235 + dbase v229 (extended
- less often when making pileup with SICBDST v235 + dbase v228 (no extended tracking)
- times to times with single events with SICBDST v234r2 + dbase v229
- Eric will start a DST2 production with SICBDST v235 + dbase v228 when physicists have
looked at the first results obtained by the Data Quality Program on some DST2 produced
with these versions.
- From some analysis done by I.Korolko it seems that there is too much material in front
of the Calorimeter in the RICH2 region.
- It would be useful to run a dedicated job to compute the radiation length seen by a
geantino in the apparatus everytime there are changes in the geometry. (Flr will look at
2. Brunel v1r3 is released (M.Cattaneo)
- Brunel is now linked with SICBDST v235.
- This version should be checked by all subdetectors:
- Marco has produced DST with SICBDST and with Brunel for comparison
3. Discussion on proposed conventions (M.Cattaneo) (slides)
- Units : The
proposal is to adopt the CLHEP units (whatever they are)
- that implies:
- to input a number you have to multiply it by the unit : P=75.*kg
- to output a number you have to divide it by the unit : print P/kg to get 75.
- jobOptions will understand "*kg".
- This choice will create a lot of "*1." and "/1." : make sure that
compilers are able to avoid such operations.
- Event data
model conventions:
- Some naming conventions are proposed which should apply to permanent data.
- navigation from simulated raw data bach to the MC Hits truth information will be by
- A strong rule: navigation should not produce "I/O overhead". To avoid such
overhead it could be possible to make persistent some intermediate objects built during
reconstruction to be used during analysis.
- Access to MC truth:
- Implement a set of Gaudi Tools, called associators to shield the code
from the implementation details of the navigation procedure.
- Gloria Corti will prepare some examples of such associators.
===> A final
proposal will be discussed at the computing meeting in 2 weeks: 11 September
next meeting : 3 September 2000 at 14:00