Brunel v15r0 released on 12th November 2002

The table below lists the new features and bug fixes introduced in Brunel v15r0 (relative to v14r2)

Subsystem Item Responsible Status
Brunel Add support for dbase v249r0 and v249r1 MCattaneo Brunelv249r0.opts, Brunelv249r1.opts
  Reorganise phases to allow execution without monitoring. Switch off histograms in production. M.Cattaneo In Brunel*.opts
  Reorganise phases to allow execution without DST output M.Cattaneo In Brunel*.opts
  Use latest versions of packages (LHCbKernel v1r5) M.Cattaneo In requirements
Event Model Add private copy constructor to KeyedObject M.Cattaneo EventKernel v2r1, EventSys v12r8
DST Verified that DST precision is preserved after writing M.Cattaneo  
Geometry ST: Change to 200um pitch M.Needham XmlDDDB v14r0
  Rich: Modified Xml for reconstruction A.Papanestis, S.Easo XmlDDDB v14r0, RichKernel v1r3, RichDet v3r0
  Muon: option with fine M4/M5 granularity Muon group XmlDDDB v14r0
  DDDB: drop geometries prior to v248 M.Cattaneo XmlDDDB v14r0
L0 Possibility to switch off M1 A.Tsaregorodtsev L0Muon v6r2
Velo (see talk of 28/10) Implement 45 degree geometry for digitisation C.Parkes, O.Callot VeloDet v8r0. Currently hardwired, to be moved to Xml
  Small memory leak in DeVelo O.Callot, C.Parkes VeloDet v8r0
  Uninitialised variable in VeloSim line 400 C.Parkes VeloAlgorithms v2r4
ST (see talk of 28/10) Digitisation changes for new strip pitch M.Needham ITAlgorithms v12r3
  Provide tool to retrieve S/N value per cluster M.Needham ITAlgorithms v12r3
  Switch on random noise and crosstalk M.Needham ITAlgorithms v12r3
OT Implement noise J.v.Tilburg OTAlgorithms v12r1. Switched off by default
Tracking (talks of 20/9, 8/10, mail of 23/9) VeloTrack: flag tracks going upstream, tune with new VeloDet O.Callot TrEvent v11r4,TrFitEvent v3r3,VeloTrack v4r2,TrCleanEx v2r3,CaloRec v2r5
  Seeding: get drift parameters from OTDet to replace wrong hardcoded values M.Needham Seeding v2r2
  Matching: understand large chi squared tracks J.v.Tilburg Bug fixed in TrMatching v2r3
  TrExtrapolator: minor fixes J.v.Tilburg TrExtrapolator v2r3
Calo Track error state is ignored I.Belyaev CaloRec v2r5
Muon Adapt to MWPC, with/without M1 A.Satta MuonSicbCnv v6r5, MuonAlgs v3r0, MuonRec v2r3, MuonID v3r4, Brunelv249r1.opts