Brunel v16r4 - released on 11th December 2003

(To be used for Xmas pre-production)

N.B. Version v16r4 is the first one based on Gaudi v11. It is functionally identical to v15r4 except for the bug fixes below

The table below lists new features and bug fixes introduced in Brunel v16r4 (relative to v15r4)

Subsystem Item Responsible Status
Framework Use Gaudi v11 M.Cattaneo  
  Build also on RH73 M.Cattaneo  
  Use head revision of DetDesc M.Cattaneo  
Brunel Use new compilation flags on Linux M.Cattaneo  
  Above changes fix large fraction of memory leaks    
DST Update list of algorithms to be timed M.Cattaneo  
RICH Enable OO-Rich by default    
  Fix some discrepancies beween CDF and Xml geometries S. Easo XmlDDDB v14r4
ST Tuning of charge loss between strips to match test beam M.Needham ITAlgorithms v12r6
Tracking In K0 search, do not abort the job if event has no tracks! M.Cattaneo KsReco v1r3
Calo Fixes to e+/e- matching algorithm I.Belyaev CaloReco v1r2