Brunel v20r1 - released 17th October 2003
The table below list new features introduced in Brunel version v20r1, relative to version v20r0p1 (functionally equivalent to Brunel v19r1)
Subsystem | Item | Responsible | Status |
Framework | Add histograms of memory usage (in BrunelInitialization) | M.Cattaneo | BrunelAlgs v3r0 |
Create HLTEvent from HLTBuffer at start of processing | M.Cattaneo | BrunelAlgs v3r0 | |
Remove dependencies on NAGC, GaudiNAGC, MuonAlgs | M.Cattaneo | requirements | |
Pick up histogram distributions from ParamFiles package | M.Cattaneo | ||
Pick up version number from CMT and print it in log file. | M.Cattaneo | requirements, BrunelAlgs v3r0 | |
Remove need for $LHCBDBASE definition | M. Cattaneo | ||
Pick up magnetic field from FieldMap package | M. Cattaneo | ||
Velo | Use GSL instead of NAGC in VeloAlgorithms package | D.Hutchcroft | VeloAlgorithms v2r8 |
ST | Remove unnecessary use of GaudiNagC from ITCheckers requirements | M.Cattaneo | ITCheckers v1r3p1 |
Rich | Add support for MaMPT and for Gauss data - requires XmlDDDB v18r2 or greater | C.Jones | RichRecSys v1r1, RichDetTools v3r0, RichDet v6r0, RichKernel v3r3 |
Improved handling of tabulated properties | C.Jones | RichUtils v3r3 | |
Improved ring refit algorithm, fix memory leak | C.Jones | RichRingRefit v1r1 | |
Use GSL instead of rgagnc in RichLocalPIDTool | C.Jones | RichLocalPID v1r1 | |
Remove Cernlib from RichRecCommon requirements | C.Jones | RichRecCommon v1r1 | |
Tracking | Use GSL instead of NAGC in packages | TrExtrapolator v2r7, TrIntraPR v2r6, UpstreamPR v2r8 | |
Add TT hits to Matched tracks | J.v.Tilburg | TrMatching v2r7, Brunel.opts | |
Code cleanup - see release notes | TrExtrapolator v2r7 | ||
Use reference trajectory instead of dummy PointOnTrack to propagate tracks between Velo and T stations. Required changes to ClusterOnTrack | J.v.Tilburg | See mails of
4/9/03 and
9/9/03 TrFitEvent v4r0, LongTrack v1r8, VeloTrack v5r1 |
Increase TT signal-noise cut from 4. to 6. for VTT tracks | Y.Xie | VeloTT v1r6 | |