Card Explanation System Default
DGEN switch between Pythia (0) and QQ for decays (1) Sicb 1 (QQ)
EGEN selects event generator Sicb 0 (Pythia)
RUNG 92989 1 to preset the current run and event number to 92989 and 1 respectively. Geant 1 1
SIEV indicates required b channel. value used to update database only; QQ parameters set in user.dec decay file Sicb --
JOB the jobnumber Sicb --
CCENtre the computer centre where the job is run Sicb 9 (CERN PCSF, 4 RAL PCSF)
LIST list the sicb.dat parameters in the output of the sicb job Sicb no parameters
TRIGGER number of events Sicb 1
DEBUG 1 1000000 100 prints debug information starting at event 1, ending at event 10000000, every 100 events Geant --
SWIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 user flags for debug Geant --
RNDM initial random number seeds (2) Geant --
SETUP 1 1 used to input GEOM and SETS identifiers Sicb --
PDFL parton distribution function selection Pythia 1 0 (CTEQ4L)
MSEL Process type selection:
  • 1: high pt only
  • 2: all QCD processes, including low pt, single and double diffractive and elastic scattering included
Pythia 2
FORD Force the decay of the particle whose Geant particle ID follows Sicb
MSUB Subprocess selection Pythia
PTHT PTmin in hard scattering leading process Pythia
MODL multiple interaction model Pythia
ETUN tuning energy in multiple interactions Pythia
EXPT exponent factor in multiple interactions Pythia
PTMI PTmin in multiple interactions tuned at SQRT(s)=ETUN Pythia
MSLT defines particles to be taken from PYTHIA output to GEANT tracking. Sicb
'TAKE' (MSLT) selects n particles of flavour (Geant codes) Sicb
'AND ' (MSLT) if this option is specified the particles selected will be taken with AND logic. If this option is given together with 'ALL ' or 'ALLK' option the event will be accepted only if other than 'ALL '/'ALLK' options are satisfied; Sicb
'ALL ' (MSLT) all particles are selected for tracking independantly from settings in MKIN card; Sicb
'ALLK' all particles that satisfy settings in MKIN card are selected; Sicb
'DROP' (MSLT) drops n particles of flavour Sicb
MKIN kinematical limits for particles to be accepted for tracking: Sicb
'THMN' (MKIN) minimum theta Sicb
'THMX' (MKIN) maximum theta Sicb
'PMIN' (MKIN) minimum momentum Sicb
'PMAX' (MKIN) maximum momentum Sicb
'PHMN' (MKIN) minimum phi Sicb
'PHMX' (MKIN) maximum phi Sicb
'stream1' 'opt1' 'filename1!'
'stream2' 'opt2' 'filename2!'
'streamN' 'optN' 'filenameN!'
All the sources of any kind of data are assigned a unique 4-character identifier which is refered to further as a data stream. 'stream' is a 4-character identifier, 'opt' -- options string ( see below ), filename -- full file pathname. The file name can contain environment variables and should be followed by the exclamation mark. Sicb
GETG 'G' (IOPA) the stream defines where the program will take the setup GEANT description. If it is defined then the setup definition will be skipped in the program;
SAVG 'GO' (IOPA) the output stream for the GEANT setup description structures; Sicb
GETE 'R' (IOPA) this stream defines the source to get event generator data (ntuple). If it is not specified than the built-in PYTHIA generator will be used; obsolete, should use GETZ. Sicb
GETX 'X' (IOPA) this stream defines the source of the simulated data to be analyzed in the job. If it is defined the GEANT particle tracking will be skipped; Sicb
GETY 'X' (IOPA) this stream defines the source of the "underlying" events - those that together with the input in 'GETX' stream form the complete events. If both 'GETX' and 'GETY' streams are specified then the events from both will be merged together for the analysis; checking that two parts of the event are coming from the same generator event will be done. If only 'GETY's tream is specified then the event from this stream will be merged with the event fully processed in the job;
GETP 'X' (IOPA) this stream defines the source of the simulated data to be merged to event in GETX as if a pile-up event; Sicb
GETZ 'X' (IOPA) the same as GETE; retrieves the headers, PGEN and PVEN, from the Zebra data structure;
'SAVX' 'XO' (IOPA) this is an output stream for events processed in the job. Sicb
RECO 'ALL ' -1 Reconstruction options Sicb
DIGI 'ALL ' -1 Digitization options Sicb
TIME 2=600. 3=1 (1) time left after initialisation
(2) time required for termination

(3) test every ITIMEevents

The time allowed for the job after initialisation cannot be set by the user via the data record. To set the total time for the job the user should call the TIMEST routine at the beginning of the program before any call to GEANT routines.
STOP Stop processing Sicb

Geant control cards can be found here.

This page last edited by  EvH on December 20, 2000.