Working with old style CMT projects
(last modified by M.Cattaneo
27 September 2007)
N.B. these instructions are valid for projects that depend on Gaudi up to
v18r*. Since Gaudi v19r1 (January 2007), see the instructions on
working with
CMT install areas
- Open a new window
- source $LHCBHOME/scripts/CMT.csh
- $Gaudi_release_area is set to /afs/
- $LHCb_release_area is set to /afs/
- to work with Gauss : set the environment for this Gauss version
- GaussEnv v10r0
- if undefined $Gauss_release_area is set to /afs/
- cd cmtuser
- getpack Sim/Gauss v8r0
- cd Sim/Gauss/v8r0/cmt
- cmt show uses
- remove all CMT warnings if any
- Gaudi packages should be located in $Gaudi_release_area/GAUDI_v11r5
- LHCb packages should be located in $LHCb_release_area/LHCB_v11r11
- Gauss packages should be located in $Gauss_release_area/GAUSS_v10r0
- source setup.csh
- gmake
- to work with a Gaudi Examples : set the environment for the Gaudi
version you want to work with
- GaudiEnv v11r5
- cd cmtuser
- getpack GaudiExamples v11r5
- cd GaudiExamples/v11r5/cmt
- cmt show uses
- packages should be located in $Gaudi_release_area/GAUDI_v11r5
- source setup.csh
- gmake
- to work with Brunel : set the environment for this
Brunel version
- BrunelEnv v18r0
- if undefined $Brunel_release_area is set to /afs/
- cd cmtuser
- getpack Rec/Brunel v18r0
- cd Rec/Brunel/v18r0/cmt
- cmt show uses
- remove all CMT warnings if any
- Gaudi packages should be located in GAUDI_...
- LHCb packages should be located in LHCB_v...
- Brunel packages should be located in BRUNEL_v...
- source setup.csh
- gmake
- to work with
DaVinci: set the environment for the DaVinci version you
want to use
- DaVinciEnv v8r0
- if undefined $DaVinci_release_area is set to /afs/
- cd cmtuser
- getpack Phys/DaVinci v8r0
- cd Phys/DaVinci/v8r0/cmt
- cmt show uses
- remove all CMT warnings if any
- Gaudi packages should be located in GAUDI_v...
- LHCb packages should be located in LHCB_v...
- DaVinci packages should be located in DAVINCI_v...
- source setup.csh
- gmake
- To work with a private version of a project by building it in a
different directory
- set the <project>_release_area environment
variable to point to the new directory. For example, development versions of
projects are placed in the $LHCBDEV directory.
- You can pick up the development
version of e.g. Brunel by typing
setenv Brunel_release_area $LHCBDEV
before typing BrunelEnv