Rules for return status of algorithms running in production applications


Most of the LHCb code uses the status code as an effective "boolean" value, which is perfectly fine. But one also could use the value of the code to discriminate between possible errors - for example:

if ( a == 0 ) { return StatusCode ( 100 ) ; }
else if ( 0 > a ) { return StatusCode ( 200 ) ; }

double b = pow( a , -1.0/3.0 ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

The status code could be inspected: e.g.

StatusCode spendCPUtime ( ) ;
StatusSode sc = spendCPUtime() ;
if ( sc.isFailure() )  {
  // check with some predefined value
  if ( 100 == sc.getCode() ) {
    // I know how to recover this error!!!
    if(MsgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) debug() << " I know how to recover!!!" << endmsg;
    .. Action here ..
  else if ( 200 == sc.getCode() ) {
    if(MsgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) debug() << " check matrix calculations!!! " << endmsg ;
    .. Action here ...
  else {
    if(MsgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) debug() << " some general/unspecified error " << endmsg ;
    .. Action here ...

Note also that the functions Error(), Warning() etc. have an argument which takes the value of status code and print the numerical value of code if it is not 0 or 1, which is very helpful in debugging.

StatusCode sc = ;;;
if ( ... ) sc = 10 ;
else if ( ... ) sc = 12345 ;
else if ( ... ) sc = 432455 ;

if ( sc.isFailure() ) { return Error("problem here!", sc ) ; } // RETURN STATUS CODE VALUE

By convention, StatusCode must always be tested (if a function returns a status, there must be a reason, otherwise it may as well return void). If there is a good reason for not testing it, ignore it explicitly by adding .ignore() to the function returning the StatusCode, e.g. Warning("some warning").ignore(); You can check whether your code is testing all StatusCodes by enabling the StatusCode checking auditor: ApplicationMgr().StatusCodeCheck = True;