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Questionnaire on computing resources

From: Andrei.Tsaregorodtsev@cern.ch
Date: 7/11/97
Time: 5:28:06 PM
Remote Name:
Remote User: A. Tsaregorodtsev


Dear members of the LHCb Computing group,

The following questionnaire was sent to the Collaboration board representatives of the LHCb institutes. Since it is a summer time now the Collaboration board member may be unavailable to respond within 2 weeks. If this is the case, I would like to ask someone from each institute to reply nevertheless.

Best regards, Andrei Tsaregorodtsev =============================================

By the end of July we will need to give our request for computing resources to the COCOTIME Committee. This request will cover our needs for the year 1998 as well as our estimations for 1999,2000. The COCOTIME Committee is responsible for allocating central computing resources for all the experiments. Since we rely heavily on the use of public facilities at CERN, we are very sensitive to the quotas allocated by the COCOTIME Committee for us. In order to supply the necessary information we have compiled a questionaire (see below). This is sent to the Collaboration board member of each Institute or the contact person for computing issues where one was nominated. The questionnaire should be completed and sent back to me within 2 weeks time. This will be an essential input for our COCOTIME request. We would like also to update the information on the computing resources available at your institute that can be used for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration. Therefore, we have compiled some supplementary questions on that. This will also help to organize properly the distributed work on the LHCb experiment design. Some questions are the same as in the poll conducted last year because the response to the previous poll was incomplete. This will also help us to see what are the trends in the computing domain in the Collaboration. In some cases the answers will clearly be very approximate. Still try to answer as best as you can. All the comments on the questions below will be highly appreciated.


1. Name of the Institute

2. Contact person for the computing issues, e-mail address

CERN computing facilities -------------------------

1. Total number of users from your institute that will access CERN public facilities for an interactive work:

in 1998 in 1999 in 2000

2. Total number of users that will do their analysis using CERN computing facilities, i.e. batch jobs with access to data stored on tapes and large CPU consumption:

in 1998 in 1999 in 2000

3. Average number of users of your institute active at CERN during a week:

in 1998 in 1999 in 2000

4. Which hardware and how many units are you planning to have at CERN for access to public services:

1997 1998 2000

X-terminals workstations PCs

5. What is the required amount of disk space your group needs for non backed-up data and scratch files:

in 1998 in 1999 in 2000

Computing facilities in your institute --------------------------------------

1. Plarforms currently in use (PCs, workstation types)

2. What platforms is it planned to have in the future

3. What computing resources may be used for MC data production for common use in the Collaboration:

platforms: possible amount of dedicated CPU time:

4. Which is the prefered media to transfer data between the institute and CERN (Exabyte, DLT, others)

5. Connection to CERN:

AFS availability network link bandwidth (in Mbps)