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LHC++ licenses for 1999

From: Marco.Cattaneo@cern.ch
Date: 6/16/98
Time: 10:51:49 AM
Remote Name:
Remote User: lhcb


QUESTIONNAIRE on LHC++ licensing needs. Please take a few minutes to reply --------------------------------------------------------------------------

During yesterday's computing meeting I described the licensing model for the commercial components of the LHC++ software. The transparencies are on the Web at: http://alnts1.cern.ch/~cattanem/Lhcb/lhc++licenses/index.htm

LHC++ components currently requiring a license are:

Objectscope (standard C++ library) Objectivity/DB NAG C library IRIS Explorer Open Inventor

CERN has agreed to pay for all licenses required by institutes involved in the CERN experimental program, via the annual COCOTIME budget allocation, and is negotiating CERN site licenses and HEP-wide licenses with the companies concerned.

Institutes requiring components of the software will be free to access them provided they have signed addenda to the licensing agreements in which they undertake to use the software only in relation to the CERN experimental program.

Given that LHCb is only just starting to write OO software, it is unlikely that we will need any runtime licenses next year to run a "SICB replacement" during a standard analysis. We will however need developer licenses for those people and groups who will be involved in the development of the new software.

In order to help us plan the number of licenses that we are likely to need, I ask each institute to fill the following questionnaire, and return it to marco.cattaneo@cern.ch by Monday 6th July at the latest.

Please note that your answers do not commit you to anything, they will be used for license planning purposes only. Please reply even if you cannot give a precise answer.

QUESTIONNAIRE on LHC++ licensing needs --------------------------------------

Your Name: Your Institute:

Is your institute planning to develop OO software for LHCb during 1999?

If yes, will this work be carried out at the institute or at CERN?

If yes, how many people will be involved in this work based at the institute?

If yes, how many people will be involved in this work based at CERN?


Thank you for your help.