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SCI Europe 1998: Call for Participation

Date: 8/19/98
Time: 1:33:42 PM
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Remote User: lhcb


Re: Conference info for LHCb computing group

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Call for Participation > > SCI Europe 1998 > --------------- > September 29-30, 1998 > Bordeaux, France > > held as a Conference Stream of > > EMMSEC'98 > European Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce > Conference and Exposition > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > http://www.uni-paderborn.de/pc2/SCI-Europe98 > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Please accept our sincere apologies if you received this message more than once. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > The objective of the SCI Europe'98 Conference Stream of EMMSEC'98 is to > bring together researchers actively involved in the development and > applications of SCI technology. Through presentations and open > discussions, we aim to exchange experiences, to review successes and > setbacks, to identify promising research avenues and application > domains, and to foster new collaborations. > > CONFERENCE OVERVIEW > ------------------- > > Invited speakers: > - David B. Gustavson, SCIzzL (Santa Clara University, CA, USA) > "Scalable-Interface Principles: Experience and Evolution" > - B. Mitchell Loebel, MultiNode Microsystems Corp. (CA, USA) > "SCI Cache Coherence - Past, Present, Future" > > 21 technical papers in five sessions: > - Hardware and Low-level Software > - Interconnects > - Programming Environments > - Shared Virtual Memory > - Tools and Applications > > Pre-conference, full-day seminar: > - B. Mitchell Loebel > "A Tutorial on ccNUMA Using The Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI)" > > For details, please visit: http://www.uni-paderborn.de/pc2/SCI-Europe98 > > VENUE and REGISTRATION > ---------------------- > > Please visit the EMMSEC'98 Web page: http://www.emmsec98.archimedia.fr/ > > ----- End Included Message ----- > > PRELIMINARY PROGRAM: > > Tuesday, 29th September 1998 > > > 09:00 - 10:30 > Session 1: Invited Presentation > David B. Gustavson (SCIzzl; Santa Clara University, USA): > Scalable-Interface Principles: Experience and Evolution > 11:00 - 12:40 > Session 2: Interconnects > A. Döring, W. Obelöer, G. Lustig, E. Maehle (MU Lübeck, Germany): > Flexibility for SCI-Networks with Rule-Based Routing > > I. Theiss (Univ. Oslo, Norway) G. Horn (Sintef; Oslo, Norway), O. Lysne, T. Skeie: > Switched SCI Systems > > H. Bugge (Scali AS; Skjetten, Norway): > Affordable Scalability Using Multicubes > > Ch. Kurmann, Th. M. Stricker (ETH Zürich, Switzerland): > A Comparison of two Gigabit SAN/LAN Technologies: > Scalable Coherent Interface versus Myrinet > 14:00 - 15:40 > Session 3: Shared Virtual Memory > D. Mentre, Th. Priol (Irisia/Inria, France): > NOA: A Shared Virtual Memory over a SCI Cluster > > P. Koch, E. Cecchet, X. Rousset de Pina (Sirac/Inria, France): > Global Management of Coherent Shared Memory on an SCI Cluster > > M. Schulz, H. Hellwagner (TU München, Germany): > Global Virtual Memory based on SCI-DSM > > M. Ibel et al. (Univ. California; Santa Barbara, USA): > An Efficient Global Address Space Model with SCI > 16:00 - 17:40 > Session 4: Tools and Applications > W. Karl, M. Leberecht, M. Oberhuber (TU München, Germany): > Enforcing Deterministic Execution of Parallel Programs - Debugging Support Through the SMiLE Monitoring Approach > > T. Aamodt (Scali AS; Skjetten, Norway): > Design and Implementation Issues for an SCI Cluster Configuration System > > A. Bogaerts et al (CERN and collaborators): > Real Time Data Selection in a HEP Experiment with SCI > > M. Dormanns (RWTH Aachen, Germany): > Shared-Memory Parallelisation of the GROMOS96 Molecular Dynamics Code on a SCI-Coupled NUMA Cluster > > Wednesday, 30th September 1998 > > > 09:00 - 10:30 > Session 5: Invited Presentation > Mitchell Loebel (MultiNode Microsystems Corp., USA): > SCI Cache Coherence - Past, Present, Future > 11:00 - 12:40 > Session 6: Hardware and Low-level Software > B. Halfen, G. Horn (Sintef; Oslo, Norway): > SCI to HIC Bridge Based on the LC2 and RCube Chips > > B. Skaali et al. (Univ. Oslo, Norway): > SCITRAC - An LSA Preprocessor for SCI Link Tracing > > V. Lindenstruth et al. (Univ. Heidelberg, Germany): > SCI Physical Layer API > > R. Butenuth, H.-U. Heiss (Univ. Paderborn, Germany): > Shared Memory Programming on PC-based SCI Clusters > > T. Amundsen, J. Robinson (Dolphin Interconnect Solutions Inc., Framingham, USA): > High-performance cluster-computing with Dolphin's CluStar PCI adapter card > 14:00 - 15:40 > Session 7: Programming Environments > H. Taskin, R. Butenuth, H.-U. Heiss (Univ. Paderborn, Germany): > SCI for TCP/IP with Linux > > M. Fischer, A. Reinefeld (PC2; Paderborn, Germany): > PVM-SCI: A PVM Implementation for Heterogenous SCI Clusters > > M. Eberl, H. Hellwagner, W. Karl, M. Leberecht, J. Weidendorfer (TU München, Germany): > Fast Communication Libraries on an SCI Cluster > > G. Scotto di Apollonia, J. F. Mehaut, R. Namyst (LIFL, LIP; France): > SCI and Distributed Multithreading: The PM2 Approach

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