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Next offline meeting, 1st September 1998

From: Marco.Cattaneo@cern.ch
Date: 8/31/98
Time: 1:45:55 PM
Remote Name:
Remote User: lhcb


The next off-line meeting will take place on:

1st September 1998, 10:30-12:00, in 32/SC-022

Preliminary Agenda:

1. News and actions from last meeting 2. Short tutorial on Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation (T.O'Reilly) 3. Initial thoughts on data model requirements from tracking (G.Gracia) 4. A.O.B.

The minutes of last Tuesday's meeting are available on the Web, at: http://lhcb.cern.ch/computing/offline/html/minutes19980825.htm

There will also be an informal working meeting on Wednesday afternoon to discuss requirements for a