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lhcb-comp 1st LHCb software week  Feb 8-12

Date: 1/19/99
Time: 10:59:02 AM
Remote Name:


LHCb Software Week Feb 8-12 ----------------------------------- This is just to confirm that we do intend to organise an LHCb software workshop during the week February 8-12. We are currently working on the agenda for this workshop and I will send out the first version of this by the end of this week.

If there is anything you would like to present, or see presented, please send me a mail. The sort of topics we imagine to cover include...

- training in use of the first release of the new LHCb OO software framework - status and plans for the new framework - organisation of development of new reconstruction and simulation programs - reviews of new OO algorithms ( chance to present designs and get feedback) - reports on use of software libraries and tools (releases, code checking etc.) - status reports on longer term projects (e.g. MONARC,......) - discussions on training, LHCb web, videoconferencing needs, .....

The idea is to have formal meetings in the mornings, the afternoons are left free for private discusssions, hands-on work etc. If you have views on the format of the meeting, number of days etc, just let me know.

John Harvey