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SICB v220 with cernlib 2000 (lhcb-comp)

From: Florence.Ranjard@cern.ch
Date: 12/2/99
Time: 10:58:36 AM
Remote Name:


Dear All,
at CERN CERNLIB 2000 has been released which means that you link with it
from /cern/pro/lib.
CERNLIB 2000 comes with pythia6134 and nolonger with pythia6125.
==> the SICB cernlib command has to be updated to use pythia6134 instead
of pythia6124.
==> $CVSROOT/SICB/v220/requirements file has been updated but NOT the
tar files.
==> you have to update your ~/mycmt/SICB/v220/mgr/requirements
    by hand to replace pythia6125 with pythia6134
    or with cvs update
best wishes,