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dbase/v225 has been updated (lhcb-comp)

From: Florence.Ranjard@cern.ch
Date: 3/15/00
Time: 5:03:51 PM
Remote Name:


Dear All,
I have updated :
dbase/v225/standard.stream to read rpmt.cdf
C. Jones has found why rpmt.cdf was not readable before: a missing
end-of-line at the end of the file.
I would like to add a warning: since I have not changed the package
version numbers there is a bad side effect in the simvdet/v3 package:
I have removed vrpsim.inc and vrp_geom_def.F
but every time you checkout a v3 tagged version of simvdet these 2 files
reappear, you have to delete them by hand before compilation, or you can
checkout the head revision .
sorry for the trouble