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next computing meeting Monday 27 March 2000  (lhcb-comp)

From: Florence.Ranjard@cern.ch
Date: 3/22/00
Time: 3:14:55 PM
Remote Name:


Dear All,
I remind you our next computing meeting
                  Monday 27 March at 14:00
                       bldg 1/1-025
Agenda: - SICBDST v232 status
        - pileup status
        - bookkeeping status
        - forseen projects using Geant4
The Geant4 team is willing to help groups starting to use Geant4 in
simulation of the experiment or a testbeam setup.
Since there is a Geant4 Technical Steering Board next Wenesday I would
have to report to, it is a good time to see where we are and what we
want to do.
I know that the calorimeter group has already started such project,
It would be very interesting to have a small status report: which
project, who is working on it, which difficulties they have encountered,
what help is needed ...
Is there any other project in RICH, VELO, MUON, ?
I hope to see you numerous and full of good ideas.
best wishes