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A Gaudi user application package is available on CVS and LHCBSOFT (lhcb-comp)

From: Florence.Ranjard@cern.ch
Date: 4/19/00
Time: 11:20:01 AM
Remote Name:


Dear All,
I have released an example of a Gaudi user application using the Velo
below is a copy of the release.notes of the package:
package GaudiJob
package manager: F.Ranjard
! 20000419 - GaudiJob v1
  This package is an example of a user Gaudi application
  doc/     - this file
  main/    - Gaudimain.cpp
  src/     - user code
  mgr/     - CMT requirements file
             the user should set the application name and build
an              executable
  job/     - jobOptions file , Gaudi.job a script to run
your                           application interactively or in batch.
             It expects the jobOptions file to be named as
the              application:
             i.e. - application Velo reads VeloOptions.txt
                    application Dump reads DumpOptions.txt

To work with the package > cd mycmt > getpack GaudiJob v1 > cd src put your code in this directory > cd ../mgr update the requirements file to use your private packages, if any, and to set your application. > rm *.make; gmake > cd ../job update the Gaudi.job script file to set the application name. set a jobOptions file with the name "application"Options.txt i.e. - Velo application reads VeloOptions.txt. the jobOptions file must start with #ifdef WIN32 #include "%STDOPTIONS" #else #include "$STDOPTIONS" #endif to read the standard options stored in the GaudiConf package.

to submit a job interactively with > Gaudi.job or in batch > bsub < Gaudi.job Please send me your comments and suggestions, Best wishes, Florence