An MC decay to be reconstructible implies that all final state MCParticles are
reconstructible (the final state particles need to be "tagged" in the decay
Long the MCParticle has 3r+3phi velo clusters and 1x+1stereo clusters
in each of the 3 seed stations
Upstream the MCParticle has 1x+1stereo clusters in each of the 3 seed
stations and 3 TT clusters
VeloTT the MCParticle has 3r+3phi velo clusters and 3 TT clusters
A decay to be reconstructied implies that all final state MCParticles are
reconstructed meaning an associated ProtoParticle has been found (hence it
depends on which type of tracks have been used to make charged ProtoParticles
and which CaloHypothesis have been used to make Neutral ProtoParticles).
A decay is classified as "Long" if all charged MCparticles in the decay
were associated to charged ProtoParticles originating from long tracks.
If neutral particles are present they have to be recontructed as well.
The summary classification applies only to the charged part of the decay.
In the full break-down table ( working only for some specific decays at the
moment ) two separate tables are provided if the decay consist completely of
charged MCParticles, completely of neutrals, is a mix of charged of neutrals.
Since the reconstructed definition is based on the association between an
MCParticle and a ProtoParticle below if how this done for charged and neutrals.
Long tracks share at least 70% of the clusters in the Velo
and 70% in the Seeding Stations
Upstream tracks share at least 70% of the clusters in the Seeding Stations
and have no more than 1 different cluster in TT out of those
VeloTT tracks share at least 70% of the clusters in the velo and have
no more than 1 different cluster in TT out of those used
A CaloCluster in the OODST for TDR production is associated to an MCParticle
if the MCParticle is entering directly in the ECAL cluster and contributing
to at least 10% of the cluster energy or if the sum of the energy of its
descendant entering the cluster is contributing to at least 10% of the cluster
This 10% cut was not covering all gammas from merged pi0 and a work around
has been put in the efficiecny algorithm to check that for gamma from pi0
that are not associated the pi0 would be and the gammas are within a single
Starting with data produced with Brunel v18r0 (hence this applies to the
Global robustness test data) the contribution to the cluster energy was
reduced to at least 1% or 200 MeV.
Note that a ProtoParticle can be associated to more than one MCParticle and