LHCb | Computing | Book-keeping

Book-keeping Database model



    The physics channel is an attribute of " physics and generator data ".

  1. Primary interaction generator code
  2. A number that identifies the primary interaction generator that was used to produce a dataset. In sicb, at present this is 4001.

    The primary interaction generator code is an attribute of " physics and generator data ".

  3. Primary interaction generator name
  4. Name of the primary interaction generator. For example, Pythia.

    The primary interaction generator name is an attribute of " physics and generator data ".

  5. Production year
  6. Year and version of the detector geometry. For example, 99-07-1.

    The production year is an attribute of " physics and generator data ".

  7. Program version
  8. Version number of the program. For example, 200.

    The program version is an attribute of " runset ".

  9. Reconstruction version
  10. Version number of the reconstruction program. For example, 1.2.

    The reconstruction version is an attribute of " runset ".

  11. Run
  12. A run is a collection of events.

  13. Run Description
  14. For a run, we will describe how this run have been generated.

    The run description is an attribute of "runset".

  15. Run number
  16. Number of the run. A run number is unique. For example, 1002.

    The run number is an attribute of " runset ".

  17. Run Type
  18. The run type is an attribute of " runset ".

  19. Seed name
  20. Name of the random number seed. For example, seed1, seed2 etc.

    The seed name is an attribute of " runset ".

  21. Seed value
  22. Value of the random number seed. For example, 123456789.

    The seed value is an attribute of " runset ".

  23. Simulation version
  24. Version number of the simulation program. For example, 4.

    The simulation version is an attribute of " runset ".

  25. Tape location
  26. Place where the tape can be found.

    Tape location is an attribute of " runset ".

  27. Tape support
  28. Support of the tape (redwood, CD-Rom, DLT,..).

  29. Vertex smearing
  30. The type of vertex smearing used.

    The vertex smearing is an attribute of " runset ".

  31. Volume serial number
  32. A unique number written onto the label of a magnetic tape. This number is used to call the tape up from the vault by the SHIFT system. For example, y21345.

    The volume serial number is an attribute of " runset ".

5 August 1999 - Joel Closier

Copyright © CERN