Subsystem |
Item |
Status |
dead line |
Framework | |||
W.Pokorski | code assembly, testing | on going action | |
Documentation | |||
everybody | not yet started | December 03 | |
Event generation | Pythia | ||
W.Pokorski | Gaudi algorithm wrapper + interface to HepMC | done | |
W.Pokorski | setting of parameters, angular smearing of the beams | done | |
W.Pokorski | forced fragmentation mechanism imported from simpgen | done | |
W.Pokorski | implementation of event selection (acceptance angle) + "parity" trick | not done - not urgent | October 03 |
W.Pokorski | Primary vertex smearing | done | |
W.Pokorski | Pile-up handling | done | |
EvtGen | |||
W.Pokorski | Gaudi algorithm wrapper + interface to HepMC | done | |
? | EvtGen decay files | new project | on going project: some decay files should be available in October 03 |
? | EvtGen validation, testing, etc | done to some extend by W.Pokorski and N.Brook - part of the new project | |
? | unified particle properties (masses, etc) between Pythia/ EvtGen/ Geant4 | not done - part of the new project | |
Geant4 interface | |||
I.Belyaev / W.Pokorski | handling of cuts per region | not done - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
W.Pokorski / I.Belyaev | possibility of switching off magnetic field in selected volumes | ongoing work - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
W.Pokorski | handling of simulation attributes per volume per particle | done | |
I.Belyaev / W. Pokorski | problem related to the stepper selection | ongoing work - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
Velo | |||
W.Pokorski | sensitive detector implementation | done | |
J .Palacios | digitization, comparison with SICBMC | done with W.Pokorski help | |
Rich | |||
S.Easo | sensitive detector code + RICH specific G4 "actions" + RICH specific processed | done | |
S.Easo | testing of RICH in realistic setup ( Pythia events + full geometry) | ongoing work - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
A.Presland is leaving | digitization (simple digitization (a la SICBMC) should be enough to start with) | not done - digitization a la SICBMC is very urgent | mid-June 03 |
? | comparison of SICBMC and Gauss | not done - urgent | Summer 03 |
CALO | |||
G.Pakhlova | optimization of the geometry description in XmlDDDB | very urgent | beginning of June 03 |
I.Belyaev & al | sensitive detectors implementation | done but
tested only with particle gun! |
P.Robbe | optimization and implementation of calo-specific G4 "actions" | not done - on going work - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
P.Robbe | testing of calorimeters in realistic setup (Pyhia events + full geometry) | not done - on going work - very urgent | mid-June 03 |
P.Robbe | comparison with SICBMC | not done - urgent | Summer 03 |
OT | |||
W.Pokorski | sensitive detector implementation | done | |
J.van Tilburg | digitization | done | |
J.van Tilburg | comparison with SICBMC discrepancy in ToF to be understood |
first comparison is done not done |
October 03 |
IT | |||
W.Pokorski | sensitive detector implementation | done | |
M.Needham | digitization |
done | |
comparison with SICBMC difference in the peak of the energy deposition in TT1 and TT2 digitization to be adapted(?) |
done understood: due to the different models used in G3 and G4 not done |
Muon | |||
W.Pokorski | sensitive detector implementation | done | | Capua | testing in realistic setup, adding specific actions if required | not done | July 03 | Capua | comparison with SICBMC | not done |